Page 40 - Luce 2022
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A l umni News

          Dr Julia Lai-Kwon (2006)         I’ve just returned from a European   family and the positive experience of
                            My first       Organisation for Research and     living at JCH which helped me build
                            impression of   Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality   the groundwork for the job and the
                            JCH was a case   of Life Group Visiting Fellowship to the   exchange programme.
                            of mistaken    Netherlands Cancer Institute where I’m
                            identity. I’d   contributing to the development of a   I’m sitting writing this in the basement
                            just arrived   new survey to assess quality of life in   of an Irish pub in Bologna, Italy. It’s
                            from Sydney    people with advanced melanoma in   4:30 in the afternoon, so there’s nobody
                            on a stifling   clinical trials.                 else here. I’m drinking a pint of tonic
                            Melbourne                                        water, and a replay of the Tunisia vs
                            summer’s day   I’m now undertaking a PhD where   France World Cup match is playing in
          having chosen JCH after a quick browse   we are designing a remote monitoring   the background. It’s moments like these
          of the website. I found myself standing in  system for people receiving   that are almost impossible to explain
          front of a stately old building resembling   immunotherapy which we hope will   how they came about – I know I just
          what I had seen on the website, but   improve its safe delivery and collect   have to accept the randomness of it and
          soon realised I was standing in front   valuable data on people’s experiences   enjoy it for its specificity and strangely
          of the wrong building! On eventually   during treatment.           comforting foreignness.
          finding the real JCH, I was delighted
          and was warmly welcomed to the   I still keep in touch with many ex-  I’m here on exchange finishing my
          chaos of O-Week by people dressed as   JCH students and tutors. The bonds   Diploma in Languages in Italian. I only
          emergency services personnel.    forged through shared experience and   decided I wanted to extend my BA
                                           memories continue to bind us, and   and move here six months before I
          What followed were some of the most   when we catch up (sometimes many   left, following the post-lockdown rush
          formative experiences of my life. Over   years later), it feels as though no time   to make up for lost time. After three
          eight years, I experienced everything   has passed at all. I hope that current and   months here, there’s still an element of
          that JCH had to offer – from fresher   future JCHers find as much pleasure and   disbelief when I reflect that I’m studying
          student and later Treasurer of the Student  fulfilment in their College experience   and working in Europe, living a ‘normal’
          Club Executive, through to residential   as I did over those happy, memorable   life with routine and friends. The Lee
          tutor and pastoral care advisor. JCH   years.                      from three years ago who grew up in
          provided me with an immediate family                               country NSW was in disbelief that he’d
          of like-minded friends who all had a                               moved to Melbourne, a city with public
          profound influence on who I am today.   Lee Perkins (2019)         transport! Now I sit in 1000 year-old
          I have years of fond memories including             We speak       piazzas working remotely for Appen,
          late night fireside chats, learning to cook         a lot about    proofing linguistic data to be used by
          during university holidays, trips to Ben            our concrete   artificial intelligence.
          Myers’ (2006) farm, and meeting my                  achievements in
          now husband Paul Peng (2007) while                  life – finishing
          watching the Beijing Olympics in his                our degrees,   Dr James Phyland (1987)
          attic room.                                         getting that                      I first came to
                                                              first foot in the                 JCH on Open
          After finishing my specialist training              door of our                       Day in August
          in medical oncology, I embarked                     dream careers,                    1986, travelling
          upon an overseas fellowship in   finding a life partner, or moving to a               to Melbourne
          Drug Development at the Royal    different city. Leaving JCH in 2020,                 by V-Line train
          Marsden Hospital in London.  While   however, wings spread and ready to               from Broadford,
          this coincided with the COVID-19   run the road that Linguistics would                which was
          pandemic, I was still able to explore   lead me down, I instead was surprised         twenty
          much of the UK and Europe with several   by new opportunities. I already had          kilometres
          JCH alumni including Adam Chong   my love for language acquisition and   from our farm. It definitely was not a
          (2007) and Dominic Thoo (2010).  On   sociolinguistics, and now my Italian has   viable daily commute, so I was looking
          returning to Australia, I worked at the   improved out of sight. In the time since   to confirm that the Bachelor of Science
          Melanoma Institute Australia and am   leaving College, however, I think it has   was the right course for me, and also
          now at the Peter MacCallum Cancer   been my personal growth of which I am   to visit the colleges, to explore which
          Centre where I’m a medical oncologist   most proud.                might be the best place to live if I was
          specialising in melanoma and other skin                            lucky enough to get into the University
          cancers.                         I’ve been working for Appen Ltd for two   of Melbourne.
                                           years now, a company specialising in
          Alongside my clinical work, I’ve   data and machine learning, and recently   I was impressed by the history of
          developed a research interest in the   I have moved to Bologna, Italy to   the university and its colleges, and
          quality of life of people with cancer.   complete my Diploma in Languages on   warmly welcomed by staff and student
          Research is truly an international   an exchange programme. I am incredibly  volunteers everywhere I went. The
          game and has provided me with the   proud of both of these achievements,   open fires at JCH warmed my heart and
          opportunity to travel and present at   but neither would have been possible   thawed my cold bones, and I came away
          national and international meetings.   without the support of friends and   feeling that the smallest college on the

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