Page 15 - Think Goodness Enrollment Guide
P. 15


        Employee Assistance Program                               Pet insurance

        Because personal issues can affect every aspect of your life, we   You can purchase health insurance, administered by
        automatically provide you and your family with an Employee   United Pet Care, for your dog, cat, bird or other exotic animals.
        Assistance Program (EAP) through CuraLinc at no cost to you.   Like a regular health insurance plan, a pet insurance policy can
        Call the EAP 24/7 for unlimited confidential assistance with   help you plan for your pet’s health care — and offset costs for
        nearly any personal matter you may be experiencing. You and   routine care and unexpected illness or injury. Your premium is
        your family have access to five free consultations with a licensed   based on your pet’s species, age, the benefits coverage you
        clinician per incident, per individual, per calendar year.   select and where you live. For more information, a quote or to
        Services include:                                         enroll, visit
         Legal Services: Consultations for issues relating to civil,   Paid time off
          consumer, personal and family law, financial matters,
          business law, real estate, estate planning, and more    Reasonable time away from the workplace is conducive to
         Financial Services: Budgeting, credit and financial guidance,   good health and wellbeing and is in the best interest of our
          retirement planning, and assistance with tax issues     employees and organization. Occasional time away from work
         Childcare and Eldercare Assistance: Needs assessment along   may also be needed when an employee is ill or has personal
          with referrals to childcare and eldercare providers     matters that need attention. Employees accrue based on
         Identity Theft Recovery Services: Information on identity   length of service.
          theft prevention, an identity theft emergency response kit,   PTO is to be used for all planned vacations, personal or family
          and help if you are victimized                          illnesses, or personal business. All full-time employees accrue
         Daily Living Services: Referrals to help with event planning,   PTO each payroll (depending on length of service). A maximum
          transportation services, pet services, and more         of 40 hours may be carried over each January.
        Confidential assistance is available any time:            Additional Paid Time Off  (user: thinkgoodness).
                                                                   Bereavement Leave
        2022 Paid Holidays                                         Military Leave
         New Year’s Day      Monday, Jan. 3                       Voluntary Time Off (VTO)
         President’s Day     Friday, Feb. 18 & Monday, Feb. 21     Jury Duty
         Memorial Day        Friday, May 27 & Monday, May 30
         Juneteenth           Monday, June 20 (Replaces the
                              “floater” from 2021)
         Independence Day    Monday, July 4
         Labor Day           Friday, Sept. 2 & Monday, Sept. 5
         Columbus Day        Monday, Oct. 10
         Thanksgiving        Thursday, Nov. 24
         Christmas Eve       Friday, Dec. 23
         Christmas Day       Monday, Dec. 26

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