Page 3 - University of the South-2022-Benefit Guide REVISED 3.30.22 FSA WAIT PERIOD
P. 3


        Introduction to Benefits                                 The following benefits are subject to IRS guidelines and
                                                                 are deducted from wages on a pre-tax basis:
        Benefits are an important part of the University’s
        compensation program. Once eligibility requirements are   •  health insurance
        met, employees with the following appointments are       •  dental insurance
        eligible for all benefits, including those as outlined for   •  vision insurance
        Tuition Remission and Exchange, and for the Secondary    •  medical care spending accounts
        School Grant benefit:                                    •  dependent care spending accounts
        •  Full-time regular employees, including tenure track and   All fringe benefits and practices are subject to change at
          tenured faculty;                                       the University’s discretion. Any benefit may be eliminated
        •  Term staff and contingent faculty with full-time      at any time and eligibility requirements and premiums
          appointments for more than 24 consecutive months       may be adjusted at the University’s discretion. If such
          who continue to work at least half-time after the      changes occur, the University will attempt to advise
          24th month.                                            employees and retirees in a timely manner. Questions
        •  Part-time regular staff who are scheduled to work at   concerning benefits should be directed to the Office of
          least 3/4 time (1,560 hours annually for non-exempt    Human Resources.
        Staff members with an appointment of a minimum of        Qualifying Life Events
        1,560 hours (3/4 time) are eligible to participate in the   Generally, you may only make or change your existing
        University’s health plan. Contingent faculty members with   benefit elections during the open enrollment window.
        a one year, full-time appointment are also eligible to   However, you may change your benefit elections during
        participate in the University’s health plan.
                                                                 the year if you experience an event such as:
        Staff members with a regular, part-time appointment who   •  Marriage
        are scheduled to work at least 1,000 hours annually are
        eligible to participate in the retirement plans. Term staff   •  Divorce or legal separation
        and contingent faculty members normally do not           •  Birth of your child
        participate in the retirement plans unless they have held a   •  Death of your spouse or dependent child
        full-time appointment for 24 consecutive months and      •  Adoption of or placement for adoption of your child
        continue to hold at least a half-time appointment.
                                                                 •  Change in employment status of employee, spouse or
        An employee’s benefit status is determined by his or her   dependent child
        primary appointment. Multiple positions normally will not
        be combined to determine eligibility for benefits, and   •  Qualification by the Plan Administrator of a child
        benefits earned in one position may not be used when an    support order for medical coverage
        employee is working in a position that is not eligible for   •  New entitlement to Medicare or Medicaid
        Employees must notify the Office of Human Resources      You must notify Human Resources within 30 days of
        of a change in marital status, deletions or additions of   a qualifying life event. Depending on the type of event,
        dependents, or changes of beneficiaries.                 you may need to provide proof of the event. Human
                                                                 Resources will let you know what documentation you
                                                                 should provide. If you do not contact Human Resources
          Each employee should contact the Office of Human       within 30 days of the qualified event, you will have to wait
          Resources as soon as possible after employment (no     until the next open enrollment window to make changes
          later than 30 days) to discuss eligibility for benefits   (unless you experience another qualifying life event).
          and complete all necessary enrollment forms.

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