Page 12 - Microsoft Word - hindi noting.docx
P. 12


         delay regretted                                             B? !#  * # 1

         delay should be avoided                                     B? - .-# ', # -: .-/ 0*

         delegation of financial powers                              BQ/ W ! (Q.$-

         departmental action is in progress                          B	2/ !K !3 $ : 1

                                                                     "!!  B  C;!W !3
         deputation of officers on short term contract

         deputation to foreign service                               J B	2/  # &' (99-

         detailed enquiry                                            
! $0, i.# $0

         detail of remarks                                           i.#

         detention in custody                                          &' -, 	, &' -

         detrimental of the interest of                              !#  * !

         device for payment of pension                               '- 	2- !3

         device for sanction of pension                              '-  4/! 8 9 !3

         devoid of                                                    # , !#  n?-

         discharge certificate                                        #& (&%

         discharge from service                                       #  # &

         discrepancy may be reconciled                               B 29 !  &;- !  $*

         dismissal on default                                        .D   #z, ?42/

         dispense with                                               2 !-

         disposal of cases                                           &&W ! 9-

         dispose of                                                  9--

         disregarding the facts                                      {W !3 #, !# *
         do the needful                                              ^! !K !'
                                                                     M .C;  & I /  (7 $:
         draft, as amended, may be issued
                                                                  )! $*

         draft as amended is put up                                  M .C; (7 (4 1

         draft for approval                                          -&.-M (7, -&.-M & I

         Draft is concurred in                                       (7  #  &9 1, & I#  #  &9 1

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