Page 18 - Microsoft Word - hindi noting.docx
P. 18


                                                                     - .-

         hold over                                                    4MC2 !-,  .! #-,  A -

         hold over                                                    9; !-

         housing allowance in lieu of rent free quarter              9-c"!   !#  ?#   	Q

         I agree with 'A' above                                      &X  '!'  #  &
         I am desired to say                                         &ƒ# 9-#- !-# !#  * ! 2 1

         I am directed to                                            &ƒ# 9-#  1
                                                                     &ƒ#   =C0 !-# ! 9-#  1

         I am directed to state that

         I am to add                                                 &ƒ#  	/ - 1

         I am to say                                                 &ƒ#  !- 1 )!

         I authorise you                                             &X !. (C;! #
         I beg to submit                                             9-#- 1 )!

         if approved, a letter will be sent on the above              -&.- !' .   ƒ
         line                                                     !#  -  % 	#$ $*2

                                                                     ! !3 /   # =
         if fully agree with the office note

         I have been directed to inform you/request                  &ƒ# 9-#  1 )! &X !.  =C0
         you/ask you                                              !7 / # 9-#- !7 / # =[ =

         I have satisfied myself that the employee is not            &X-#  h ! : 1 )! !&0: !3
         at fault                                                 2/ -: 1

         I have the honour to say                                      9-#- 1

         illegal transaction                                         1;   I#

         impulsive action                                            #2/ )]

         in abeyance                                                 (4MC2

         in absence of information                                    =0- !#  	 &'

         in accordance with                                          !#  -

         in acknowledging receipt of .......                         ........!3 / 	#$# *

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