Page 41 - Microsoft Word - hindi noting.docx
P. 41


         to the point                                                BD-! = ,   2, ( C2!
                                                                      	/  ?C;W !. 2.  $  )! /  #
         to whomsoever it may concern
                                                                   ?C; .

         to be thankful                                              ! 8 k .-
                                                                     1 " &.N #-   2 - (2
         take a u-turn

         ultimately it has to be done                                c  !- : .2

         unauthorised action                                         (C;! 8  !K

         unbiased opinion                                            9-h,

         undergo training                                            (, #-

         uncalled for                                                1S -, C0 2S -C0
         unclassified document                                       2a! 8  4#$

         uncontrolled stores                                         9-n%  &-

         under consideration                                         B0;/-

         underdeveloped                                              "B!

         under dispute                                               BP4

         under this signature and seal                               -!#  4, * &

         under intimation to this office                             J  ! !.  =C0 !# *
         Under mentioned                                             9-|-

         under one's hand                                            -# 4,

         under one's hand and seal                                   -# 4, Y &

         under reference                                             ( 2;/-
                                                                     ;.4,: !. 9-#  1 )!

         undersigned is directed to acknowledge the
         receipt to acknowledge the receipt of your               !#  -! ......!#  %  l !3 /
         letter no. … dated…                                      	#$/ $*

         under suspension                                            9-?-;/-

         under the auspices of                                       !#  Q;- &'

         under interference                                          -C0 4,#

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