Page 42 - Microsoft Word - hindi noting.docx
P. 42
$? ! ( 2 !# - 6M
unless the context otherwise required
#+, - .
= # &-# !, 2# #
until further order (s)
.-# !
up-to-date r-, $ ! !
upto the mark 4:
urgent attention may please be given ! 8 g- '
urgent required B? 0*, ^! 1
valedictory address BK D
verification of particulars B Q-
verification of service # ! Q-
verified and found correct N !3 Y A!
vetting of draft (7 ! -:,
vide letter no… %! #*, % l-#*
vide linked case ?5 && #*
waiting list may be renewed (/, =0/ !. -/! 8 )! $*
wanting documents #+, 4#$
want to !
we are not concerned with this J ! & # ?; -: 1
!. & .-# # !# ?!
weekly arrears statement for the week ending !& ! ! B .!-M
is submitted for perusal
(4 1
&' J BD Y !K
we need not pursue the matter further
!-# !3 ^! -: 1
whichever is earlier $. / # ., $. / # x .
whole, as a ! &!
widow certificate B; (&%
widow's pension B; '-
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