Page 3 - Dinuba Sentinel 2-7-19 E-edition
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The Dinuba Sentinel News Pastor's Corner
A Christian's response to addiction (Part one of four)
Thursday, February 7, 2019 | A3
“If you love someone who is addicted, what they need is tough love; otherwise you’re only enabling them.” This kind of advice seems to be repeated so often that it seems like it’s become embedded into popular wisdom. But is that always the right course?
both live. We have three children: Trinity, 11; Lucas, 7; Iris, 4.
I also really enjoy opportunities
to reflect on where our faith and our culture (or society) intersect and I think a newspaper column is a great way to do that.
In the article, Dr. Mate refers to this somewhat obscure concept in the Bible that only shows up in Leviticus chapter 16, of a scapegoat. There are sin offerings detailed in other places but a scapegoat
is different. In the case of the scapegoat, the priest is to put his hands on its head and detail all the sins of the people. Then a designated person chases it out into the wilderness. So “scapegoating” is a ritual method for removing the guilt that people have, put it on someone or something else (a victim who really bears no guilt) and then drive out that now guilt-bearing thing or person from the community.
What does that have to do with addiction? Well Dr. Mate makes the case that in our society most of us engage in behaviors of addiction but then use those with addictions to drugs and alcohol as our scapegoats. “Addiction” he defines as “any behavior that is associated with craving and temporary relief, and with long-term negative consequences, that
a person is not able to give up.” So,
think about it. How many of us are addicted to our screens? Aren’t a lot of us addicted to consuming- consuming food (too much), consuming the latest food fashion or clothes fashion, consuming so much of everything our garages have no room for our cars? And other negative consequences like less real interaction with our loved ones or increasing debt. Some of us might be addicted to work,
or exercise, or-the list goes on. We are a society of “numbing out” in a thousand ways.
The scapegoating part comes in
because instead of facing the reality of our collective addiction and trying to address the root causes, it is easier for all of us to look at those most obviously addicted, those facing some of the most negative consequences of substance abuse, and say- you are the addict, I am not. It seems like generally those of us with our more socially acceptable addictions look down on those with alcohol or drug addictions as somehow morally deficient. It is easier to scapegoat the junkie or alcoholic instead of dealing with our own problems. We prefer to tell ourselves we are just fine.
Next time: Where is Jesus in all of this?
Michelle Magee is the pastor of Palm United Methodist Church in Dinuba.
Rain Totals
Totals for recent rain fall, according to Alta Irrigation District
Jan. 31
Feb. 2
Feb. 3
Feb. 4
SeasontoDate (Oct.1topresent)
0.15 inches 0.55 inches 0.59 inches
0.14 inches 5.49inches
Toplacechurchandclubnews in The Sentinel, call 591-4632
Worship in Dinuba
Michelle Magee
I was recently drawn into a TIME magazine article where Dr. Gabor Mate explains
that he has come
to the conclusion that tough love may not always be truly helpful for someone struggling with addiction, in
fact “kind love” might be better. In the interview he even went into religious terminology and made me reconsider what a Christian response to addiction might look like.
I’m Pastor Michelle Magee, the
new pastor of Palm United Methodist Church. A little about me: I’m from Indiana originally, I went as a volunteer missionary to Argentina and ended up living there about 4 years. My husband Pablo Róvere is a Methodist pastor from Argentina, he serves in Hanford where we
Sentinel staff report
Dinuba Police arrests in the last week.
• Angelica Maria Cardenas, 43, of Dinuba was booked on Jan. 28 on suspicion of battery on a spouse or cohabitant and disorderly conduct, both misdemeanors.
According to police, the victim stated he had been struck in the face numerous times by Cardenas. Upon investigation, officers say witnesses at the scene confirmed seeing her hit the victim. The victim reportedly stated that he and Cardenas were in a relationship.
She left the scene prior to the arrival of officers but was later located in the 1500 block of East El Monte Way, where she was taken into custody and booked. She was also found to have an active local bench warrant. She was transported to the Tulare County Pretrial Facility.
• Michael Andrew Terrazas, 30, of Tulare was booked on Jan. 28 on suspicion of obstructing a police officer and shoplifting, both misdemeanors.
Police say he walked out of a business in the 700 block of West El Monte Way without paying for merchandise. When officers attempted to contact him he reportedly fled on foot, attempting to evade officers.
He was later taken into custody and was found to have an active arrest warrant out of Fresno County. He was booked and later released with two citations to appear in court.
• Andrew Perez, 55, of Dinuba was booked on Jan. 28 on suspicion of obstructing and resisting a police officer, a felony, obstructing a public officer and shoplifting, both misdemeanors.
Officers say he refused
to leave a Walmart fitting room and attempted to leave Walmart with stolen property. When he was detained, police say he attempted to flee from officers.
After being taken into custody, he was booked and transported to the Tualre County Pretrial Facility, where officers say during the booking process he kicked officers and actively resisted.
• Idelfonso Garcia, 37, of Dinuba was booked on Jan. 29 on suspicion of inflicting corporal injury to a spouse or cohabitant, a felony, and violating a court order, a misdemeanor.
Police say he was arrested in the 200 block of East Tulare Street in regards to a report of domestic violence. He was taken into custody there, booked and later transported to the Tulare County Pretrial Facility.
• Bretney Renee Gosvener, 27, of Coalinga was booked on Jan. 29 on suspicion of vehicle theft, a felony.
According to police, she was contacted in the 800 block of First Avenue inside a vehicle had been reported stolen. A further investigation revealed that she was the suspect who stole the vehicle, police say.
She was placed under arrest and transported to the Dinuba Police Department for booking. She was later transported to the Tulare County Pretrial Facility for housing.
• Arturo Diaz Mendez, 43, a transient from Dinuba was booked on Jan. 29 on suspicio of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor.
Police say officers responded to the 400 block of South L Street for a male subject who was yelling and causing a disturbance in the area. Upon arrival, police made contact with Mendez, who they say
appeared to be unsteady, had an odor of alcohol emitting from his person and had red blood shot eyes.
He was taken into custody, booked and later transported to the Tulare County Pretrial Facility.
• Corrina Cassandra Lopez, 32, of Dinuba was booked on Jan. 30 on suspicion of being in possession of unlawful paraphernalia, being in possession of a controlled substance and driving without a license, all misdemeanors.
According to police, officers made contact with her during a traffic stop in the 1700 block of Palmer Avenue, after receiving a call of a suspicious vehicle.
Upon making contact, it was discovered that she was driving without a license. It was also discovered that she was on probation and was then searched. A search revealed a bindle of methamphetamine and a glass smoking pipe in the driver's area.
She was arrested, booked and than released on cite with a promise to appear in court.
• Eric De Jesus Benavides, 21, of Orosi was booked on Jan. 31 on suspicion of battery to a spouse or cohabitant, a misdemeanor.
Police say he was involved in an argument with the victim when it became physical and he struck the victim in the face with a closed fist. Though the suspect fled the scene, he reportedly turned himself in the following day. He was booked at the Dinuba Police Department and was later transported to the Tulare County Pretrial Facility.
• Jose Miguel Andrade, 29, of Dinuba was booked on Jan. 31 on suspicion of beind under the influence of a controlled substance, a misdemeanor.
Officers say he was contacted in the 200 block of West Tulare Street and was found
to be under the influence of a controlled substance. Police say while attempting to take him into custody he also resisted. A glass smoking pipe was also reportedly found on his person.
He was arrested, booked and later trasnported to the Tulare County Pretrial Facility.
• Jorge Alexandro Vargas, 18, of Dinuba was booked on Feb. 1 on suspicion of battery on person in a school or park, a misdemeanor.
Police say he was involved in a physical altercation on the grounds of Dinuba High School. He was arrested, booked and then released on cite with a promise to appear in court.
• Ishmael Alvarado Pruneda, 40, of Dinuba was booked on Feb. 1 on suspicion of battery to a spouse or cohabitant, a misdemeanor.
According to police, he was involved in an altercation with his wife when he allegedly shoved her. The fall caused the victim to injure herself. He was taken into custody in the 900 block of Bellis Avenue, booked and later transported to the Tulare County Pretrial Facility.
• Alexander Garcia Silva, 49, of Dinuba was booked on Feb. 3 on suspicion of violating a court order to prevent domestic violence, a misdemeanor.
Police say the victim called the police to inform them that her ex-boyfriend, Silva, was at her residence in the 400 block of South L Street.
When police made contact with him they were reportedly advised by dispatch that there was a domestic violence restraining order against him and an active warrant for his arrest for battery to a spouse or cohabitant, which were both confirmed.
He was placed under arrest without incident, booked and later transported to the Tulare County Pretrial Facility.
Grace of God of Dinuba
A Non-Denominational Church Meeting at the First Lutheran Church 961 E Elizabeth Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 595-1441
Pastors Bert & Nancy Boyd
9:00 a.m. Worship Service & Children’s Church 6:00 p.m. Worship Nights (every 4th Sunday) *****
Our services are contemporary and casual with doors open wide to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. We’re a church where every day is a celebration of God’s goodness and love.
Healing Prayer Ministry is available every 1st Monday of the month. Please see our website for more information.
For information on Bible Studies and activities, see our
website -
480 South College Avenue,
Dinuba, CA 93618
Phone: (559) 406-5410
Minister: Christopher Roberts WELCOMES YOU
Sunday Mornings---9:50 a.m. Worship---10:50 a.m.
Sunday Evening Service---6:00 p.m.
Wednesday ---7:00 p.m.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. Please come join us and be strengthened through the preaching of God's word.
CALVARY APOSTOLIC CHURCH Apostolic in Doctrine- Pentecostal in Experience
1013 N. Alta Ave. Dinuba, CA 93618 Phone: (559) 397-1313 Pastor: Ron Bohde
Sunday a.m. Sunday School
and worship 10:00
Sunday Spanish service 2:00
Sunday p.m. Praise and worship 6:00 Tuesday p.m. prayer service 7:00 Wednesday p.m. Bible study 7:30 Youth service last Wednesday
of every month 7:00
We are a friendly family oriented church where everyone is welcome. For a real life change, come and join us. See how a Spirit change can also change both You and your family forever.
First Baptist Church of Dinuba A church for people on the grow! 600 E. Nebraska Avenue, Dinuba Phone: 591-0234
Website: Facebook: DinubaFirst Baptist
Senior Pastor: Dr. Tom Carter
Associate Pastor: Rev. Rick Foddrill
Youth Pastor: Nick Gomez
Director of Children's Ministry: Natalie Zuniga Ministerio en Español : Sunday: 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship: Sunday: 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship: Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship: Sunday: 6 p.m. Awana Children's Ministry: Wednesday: 6:15 p.m.
First Baptist Church lives to glorify God by leading people to Christ, helping them grow in Christ,
and training them to minister for Christ.
Dinuba Presbyterian Church
1250 E. Nebraska Ave. (at Hayes Ave.)
Phone: 591-6610
Pastor: Rich Latta (859-9662)
Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10 am Monday Women’s Bible Studies at 9:30 am Wednesday Women’s Bible Studies at 5:45 pm Men’s Bible Study: Friday 6:00-7:30 am M.O.P.S. Mothers of Pre Schoolers: 1st & 3rd ursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Welcome!! We are just ordinary folks with an extraordinary God.
We are Christ-followers, who love the Lord Jesus and want to bless this communityandseetheKingdomofGodcomehereinDinuba. Come,joinus!
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