Page 2 - Mid Valley Times 11-5-20 E-edition
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Thursday, November 5, 2020 | A2 | Mid Valley TiMes
Dinuba veteran shares his life's story in a book
By George M. Villagrana
Mid Valley Times
An idea turned into reality for Dinuba resident Joe T. Ri- vera, Sr.
In October, the 77-year old Vietnam Veteran had his first book published entitled, “Mi- grant Journey to a Marine — Three Stories, One Life”. The book recalls three stories de- picting Rivera’s family life of opportunity from Mexico to the United States and enlisting for the Vietnam War.
One of the stories is called “The Breeze”, which is a poem he wrote depicting work in the
Armando S. Lara
Armando S. Lara of Dinuba died on Oct. 7. He was 51.
Mr. Lara was self em- ployed.
Surviving family members include a par- ent, two sons, one daugh- ter, and one sister.
Services were held on Nov. 3. Sterling & Smith Funeral Home handled the arrangements.
Eleanor Lopez
Eleanor Lopez of Di- nuba died on Oct. 30. She was 74.
Mrs. Lopez worked as a sales associate.
She is survived by one son, two daughters,
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fields and being sprayed by in- secticide.
Rivera said 30 years ago he had an idea to share his story and it took nearly two decades to complete the book.
“I finally retired, so I had the time,” Rivera said. “In a sense I’m relieved that it’s done. I just wish I could’ve put more in it that I recalled. At any rate, at least it’s out.”
Rivera said he wrote the book as a way for his parents to be remembered.
“Their expectations for the kids was for them not to do what they were doing, which was work the fields” Rivera said.
Rivera wasn’t hesitant to say that if the time comes, he could possibly write another book.
“If i see that I can put some time into it, I’ll do it again. I just can’t wait too long,” he said.
The book can be purchased through Amazon, according to Rivera.
Rivera said Amazon sent him 50 books and he’s already sold 40 to close friends and relatives, and entertains the idea to pro- mote it more through speaking engagements at schools and lo- cal libraries.
“Right now you can’t do much of anything because of the pandemic,” Rivera said.
Dinuba resident Joe T. Rivera held a copy of his book, titled "Migrant Journey to a Marine — Three Stories, One Life." The book — the first written by the 77-year-old — was published in October.
George M. Villagrana / Mid Valley Times
delays state
reports by
one day
MVT Staff Report
Fresno County didn't learn its status about remaining in the red (substantial) tier for positive CO- VID-19 cases on Nov. 3, as the state delayed announcing new action by one day because of the Nov. 3 General Election.
County numbers still were released, and Fresno County crept up to 31,738 total positive cases since the outbreak was first reported back in March. Active cases grew to 10,759 (up 282 from last week), but the percentage de- clined slightly to 33.6
SeeCOVIDonpage A6
to move down into the red substantial tier.
Small groups of students with special needs, no more than 10 per group, have already returned to in-person in- struction at Dinuba High School, Sierra Vista and Washington Intermedi- ate School.
Students will also be returning to campus soon for athletic conditioning inpreparationfortheup- coming fall sports sched- ule, which is slated to be- gin in January.
The district will be having a Reopening of Schools Webinar from 6 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10.
Solar charging station
one sister, five grand- children and five great grandchildren.
Sterling & Smith Fu- neral Home handled the arrangements.
Samuel D. Simpson Jr. Samuel D. Simpson
Jr. of Orosi died Oct. 30 in Reedley. He was 81.
Mr. Simpson worked as a canine officer han- dler.
He is survived by his wife, Ella Simpson, two sons, one daughter, three sisters and seven grand- children.
Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Thurs- day, Nov. 5, at Dopkins Reedley Funeral Cha- pel. A graveside ser- vice will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 6, at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Dopkins Reedley Fu- neral Chapel is handling the arrangements.
Anthony Jewell / Photo Contributed
A new solar charging station was delivered to the Reedley Municipal Airport on Sept. 24. The $65,000 charging station was paid through a grant provided by the Fresno County Rural Transit Authority. It's the second charging unit in the city. the other is downtown near City Hall. Pictured from left are Luis Godinez, Francisco Hernandez, Robert Bailey (manufacturing representative for Beam Manufacturing), installer Luis Montelban, Jesus Hinojosa.
Continued from page A1
who prefer not to return to school yet.
“It is our desire to reopen schools as soon as possible and as safely as possible,” said DUSD Superintendent Dr. Joe Hernandez.
The letter also men- tioned that, due to cur- rent COVID-19 case numbers, secondary schools are not eligible for a waiver. However, the district could apply for a waiver for upper grade levels if Tulare County (currently still in the purple wide- spread category) were
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