Page 3 - Mid Valley Times 2-11-21 E-edition
P. 3

Dinuba police and fire calls for last week:
Monday, February 1
• A man reported at 7:13 a.m. that a tire on his ve- hicle was slashed in the 900 block of Academy Avenue.
• A man reported at 10:57 a.m. that a person in a vehicle tried to run him over in the 300 block of North K Street.
• A non-injury traffic ac- cident was reported at 2:44 p.m. in the 400 block of West Tulare Street.
• Theft was reported at 4:05 p.m. in the 1300 block of North Crawford Avenue.
The Reedley Police Department handled 502 public-initiated and offi- cer-initiated calls for ser- vice, with 88 dispatched as Priority 1 calls. Offi- cers completed 76 police reports, made 18 arrests and issued 18 traffic ci- tations. There were two traffic collisions and four DUI cases, six fire calls and 18 medical aid calls.
Monday, February 1
• During a subject check at El Dorado and Haney Avenues at 2:26 p.m., an arrest was made for an outstanding warrant.
• A disturbance at 3:17
Monday, February 1
There were 83 calls for service and one traf- fic citation was issued. • Officers issued a ci- tation for dog at large in the 1200 block of P Street.
• A drug paraphernalia arrest occurred in the 400 block of Academy Avenue.
• Officers conducted a field interview in the 400 block of Academy Avenue.
• A person was arrested on a felony warrant in the 1500 block of 5th Street.
• A general incident re- garding a restraining or- der occurred in the 2100 block of 6th Street.
• One person was arrest- ed for suspected domes- tic violence in the 300 block of K Street.
• Officers investigated
• A verbal disturbance involving two men and a woman was reported at 11 p.m. in the 100 block of West Mariposa Street.
Tuesday, February 2
• An injury traffic ac- cident was reported at 7:46 a.m. near Avenue 408 and Road 70.
• A theft report was tak- en at 11:44 a.m. in the 600 block of North Alta Avenue.
• Fire responded to a re- port of low hanging lines at 2 p.m. in the 900 block of East Adelaide Way.
• A person reportedly heard five shots in the area of California and
p.m. in the 1400 block of East Cypress Avenue resulted in one of the persons involved being arrested.
• A subject check in the 900 block of E Street at 8:45 p.m. resulted in an arrest for an outstanding warrant.
Tuesday, February 2
• A subject check in the area of Dinuba and East avenues at 4:03 p.m. re- sulted in an arrest for an outstanding warrant.
• A vehicle stop at 7:20 p.m. near the intersec- tion of Manning Avenue and East Avenue result-
ID theft in the 700 block of Bethel Avenue.
• A vehicle was repos- sessed in the 1400 block of 8th Street.
• Officers made a war- rant arrest in the 900 block of 2nd street.
• A vehicle was repos- sessed in the 300 block of Faller Avenue.
Tuesday, February 2
There were 60 calls for service and two traf- fic citations were issued. • Theft was reported in the 300 block of Acad- emy Avenue.
• A returned runaway report was taken in the 800 block of L Street.
• Officers made a nar- cotics arrest in the 600 block of N Street.
• Vehicle theft was re- ported in the 2300 block of Magnolia Avenue.
• A person was arrested
Park at 7:39 p.m.
• A vehicle theft was re- ported at 8:59 p.m. in the 200 block of East Fresno Street.
Wednesday, February 3
• A missing person re- port was filed at 3:58 p.m. in the 600 block of Whitney Avenue.
• Someone reportedly took the bumper off a vehicle in the 1200 block of Second Avenue at 6:26 p.m.
• Shots from a vehicle were fired at subjects in the 200 block of West Tulare Street at 6:27 p.m. There was no descrip- tion of the vehicle.
• The theft of several items was reported from the 800 block of North Alta Avenue at 6:41 p.m. A white Malibu or Im- pala was last seen trav- eling south on Alta.
• A non-injury hit and run crash was reported in the area of Alta Av- enue and Sierra Way at 10:53 p.m. The suspect vehicle involved was a silver Honda Odyssey.
Thursday, February 4
• A residential burglary was reported in the 500 block of East Kamm Av- enue at 3:07 a.m.
• Vandalism to a trash can was reported in the
Thursday, February 11, 2021 | A3 | Mid Valley TiMes Lights & Sirens
 ed in the driver being ar- rested for DUI.
• Officers attempted to stop a vehicle at Man- ning Avenue and Colum- bia Avenue at 10:17 p.m., but the vehicle refused to yield to officers. Offi- cers pursued the vehicle for a short distance and eventually arrested the driver for DUI.
Wednesday, February 3
• A person was contact- ed at 5:20 a.m. at Beech- wood Avenue and Kings Drive, and was arrested for possession of narcot- ics.
• A resident in the 700
block of East Evening Glow Avenue reported the theft of their vehicle at 5:44 a.m.
• A subject check at noon in the area of Man- ning Avenue and I Street resulted in the arrest of a person for possession of narcotics.
• A subject check at 8:31 p.m. in the area of Sun- set Avenue and Early Avenue resulted in an arrest for an outstand- ing warrant.
Thursday, February 4
• A subject check in the 1300 block of D Street at 2:23 p.m. resulted in the
and cited for driving with a suspended license in the 900 block of K Street.
• Sex offender registra- tion was investigated in the 1700 block of 7th Street.
• An injury traffic colli- sion occurred in the 900 block of O Street.
Wednesday, February 3
There were 66 calls for service and nine traf- fic citations were issued. • There are patrol checks at Sanger City Park and the 1300 block of 7th Street. Communi- ty contacts were made at downtown businesses regarding homelessness issues.
• A report of ID theft was taken in the 300 block of Academy Av- enue.
• Officers conducted a field interview in the 700 block of Academy Avenue.
• Vandalism was report- ed in the 1900 block of Lorena Avenue.
• A vehicle struck a pow- er pole in the 1300 block of Tucker Avenue.
• Officers arrested a man for obstruction and possession of narcot- ics in the 700 block of L Street.
Thursday, February 4
There were 46 calls for service and 10 traffic citations were issued.
200 block of Nichols Av- enue at 10:54 a.m.
• A person reported that their vehicle was struck by an Amazon driver in the 400 block of Franklin Way at 4:11 p.m.
• Theft of an Amazon package was reported in the 200 block of West North Way at 5:48 p.m. • Shots were reported fired in the area of Palm Drive at 9:47 p.m.
Friday, February 5
• A non-injury hit and run crash from the night previous was reported at 7:28 a.m. in the 1600 block of East El Monte Way.
arrest of a person for narcotics possession and an outstanding warrant.
Friday, February 5
• Police made a vehicle stop at 12:44 a.m. in the area of Frankwood Ave- nue and Parlier Avenue. During the stop, they discovered a loaded con- cealed weapon in the en- gine compartment. Offi- cers arrested the driver on suspicion of being on probation and in posses- sion of a loaded weapon. • A vehicle stop in the 1400 block of North Pe- can Avenue at 10:30 p.m. resulted in the driver be-
• Patrol checks were conducted at Sanger City Park.
• Patrol checks were conducted in the 1300 block of 7th Street downtown. Community contact were made at downtown businesses regarding homelessness issues.
• A mental health evalu- ation took place in the 1700 block of 7th Street. • Officers investigated a fraud report in the 1700 block of Tucker Avenue. • A non-injury hit and run crash was reported in the 900 block of Faller Avenue.
Friday, February 5
There were 87 calls
• A possible residential burglary was reported in the 1000 block of Rose- mary Avenue at 7:37 a.m.
• The theft of a bicycle from a garage in the 1100 block of Ramble- wood Drive was report- ed at 4:35 p.m.
• A residential burglary was reported in the 1600 block of North Crawford Avenue at 5:14 p.m.
• A disturbance and re- ported battery occurred at 7:25 p.m. in the 900 block of Academy Way.
Saturday, February 6
See DINUBA onpageA5
ing arrested for suspect- ed DUI.
Saturday, February 6
• A resident in the 1000 block of Santa Rosa Av- enue reported a vehicle burglary at 9:45 a.m.
• Officers responded to a non-injury traffic col- lision at 10:59 a.m. at the intersection of Reed Av- enue and Olson Avenue. • A person contacted at Gum Avenue and Sunset Avenue at9:28 p.m. was arrested for possession of narcotics.
• During a vehicle stop
See REEDLEY onpageA5
for service and six traf- fic citations were issued. • Officers made an ar- rest for an outstand- ing warrant in the 2000 block of Magnolia Av- enue.
• Petty theft was report- ed in the 800 block of Academy Avenue.
• Officers made an ar- rest for suspected do- mestic battery in the 2800 block of Gloria Av- enue.
• A mental health report was taken in the 1500 block of P Street.
• A runaway report and be on the lookout report was taken in the area of 8th and L streets.
See SANGER onpageA5
 2021 Measure S Gang Prevention/Intervention Grant Program
Now Accepting Applications through March 19, 2021
The City of Sanger has established a grant program which provides Measure S funding to address anti- gang and anti-drug strategies including prevention, intervention, and youth development. Priority will be given to programs that implement identified best practices to address youth gang violence. Applications are due Friday, March 19, 2021, by 4 PM. The funding grant cycle is from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
How to Apply
Applications are available online at the City of Sanger Website: Grant-Program
There are three parts to the application process.
1. Download and read the Grant Background and Instructions Document.
2. Complete the online Grant Application. 3. Submit all required documents by mail
or email before the due date.
For more information call (559) 876-6300, extension 1500.
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Instagram: two_sisters_clovis
5054 N. Academy, Suite A
                                                                                 Corner of Shaw & Academy
6897 006322
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