P. 2
ICON Scenario description for LEVEL1
1.Changing Lanes
If you want to change lane and move towards right do it gracefully and gradually by using right indicators and giving
sufficient right of way to the other vehicles
2. Impatient Right turn
Await your turn! When you want to turn right, you should first come to the centre of the road carefully and then, turn
right keeping your vehicle close to the left side of the road you are turning into
3. Unparking
Re-joining the road from a parking spot-Wait patiently and make sure no vehicle that's going to pass you by will be
hindered. Use the correct indicator and move into the road only when it is clear and safe
4. Mobile phone usage while driving
DO NOT use a mobile phone while driving. The distraction and hindered line-of-sight caused by that action is a danger
to you and others around you. Come to a halt in an empty piece of road on the left and then answer the phone
5. Traffic Lights
Follow Traffic rules designated by traffic lights, road signs and from any authorized personnel