Page 10 - Chiron Spring/Summer 2023
P. 10

Exercise IRON FIRE
Sennelager, Germany
by Capt Gimson PTL Tp Comd 105 MWD Sqn
 In February 2023, a half section from 105 Military Working Dog Sqn deployed to Sennelager,
Germany on Ex IRON FIRE supporting the validation of the RTR armoured battlegroup to be held at readiness.
It felt like the Sqn had returned to its roots of Chiron Lines, Normandy barracks where the Sqn was based before coming back to the UK in 2017. The terrain around Chiron Lines provided excellent training areas for productive Patrol and AES training. Prior to deploying on the main exercise phase, there were opportunities to integrate with the battlegroup, especially C Coy Royal Welsh where the MWDs could be utilised alongside their dismounts and where we agreed local TTPs for this.
Several MWD demonstrations were conducted, with the MWDs becoming popular amongst the battlegroup. This was important as many of the battlegroup had not had the experience of using MWD. MWD Vinnie was especially noted walking round camp due to his large and intimidating size (44kg) which turned out to be a great PR stunt for the RAVC.
The main exercise phase was conducted on Sennelager Training Area, with the MWDs being held
in the rear A1 Echelon and pushed forwards into C Coy when needed. The MWDs were mainly used in
the urban environment, including alongside C Coy as part of a building clearance demonstration for the battlegroup. Serials also included an AES MWD team searching
vulnerable points including a bridge and buildings in the urban village, with the Patrol MWDs being used
to patrol the village as an early indicator of approaching enemy and as a high visual deterrent to the EF.
Post-exercise admin was swiftly conducted in Sennelager before the long drive back to North Luffenham. Glad to be home in the UK, but
105 Sqn will always feel at home in Germany too.
     8 / Chiron Calling

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