Page 9 - Chiron Spring/Summer 2023
P. 9

Life at Initial Trade Training (ITT)
by Cpl Broomhall
On the 20th July 2020 I became a Section commander on Initial Trade Training,
eager to start a new posting and try something different. I had a small insight into what was to come. I was still slightly unsure of what may lay ahead but was ready to get stuck
in to learn and see what this would bring me and what I could also bring to it.
Nearly three years on, and my time has come to an end, with
10 regular and 5 reserve courses conducted, I can safely say that any expectation I had of what this position would bring has been well and truly exceeded.
When beginning, it is a slightly surreal moment being on the other end as new trainees arrive for their welcome brief. Most of us serving personnel remember our first day at Phase 2 training. It is an exciting but equally nervous moment to reach this pivotal point after potentially a long wait to join and / or get through basic training.
The 7-week course brings a busy period not only for the trainees but even more so for its trainers. The Section commanders
are committed to bringing
and delivering the highest standard possible to their trainees, often going above and beyond to provide any extra assistance where needed and, more than often, seeing them
give up their free time to honour that commitment. This is something which I have witnessed and done
on many occasions. During the
gaps between courses (which are not often), the work does not stop. Behind the scenes, preparation, admin, and bookings for the next intake have already begun, along with hosting Phase 1 visits, general CT, own development courses, and most importantly, getting in some well-earned leave to recharge and be ready for what comes next.
I have been fortunate to learn from and work with several different teams, each bringing their thoughts and ideas to an ever-growing and developing section, providing those attending with a good foundation
to step off on their future careers
within the RAVC. Each course has seen changes
and has been
built upon by a number of various aspects, from their accommodation, equipment used, technology and learning programs, MWD knowledge and more.
Being able to teach and mentor trainees has been a rewarding experience. The starting point
from day 1 and watching them go through the weeks, witnessing their confidence grow, taking their first bites, conducting their first release and getting a general understanding of what is required of them as a handler, all leading up to their final Ex Chiron Challenge has given me a greater understanding of leadership, and on a personal level, it has given me a newfound passion for teaching and something to aim for in future.
Being on ITT has been an exciting journey and a privilege
to have experienced. I wish the new team all the best
and encourage anyone that is interested and able to have the
opportunity to be on ITT to grab and take it.
    Chiron Calling / 7

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