Page 242 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 242
Messrs Gordon Hill & Walter Walker, Sheffield Branch at the NFA Garden Party, Buckingham Palace
Sheffield branch
“No. 1 Secretary George Hodgson speaking” took on the task of arranging the annual Malaya Veterans Association Reunion this year and did a sterling job! Members of the Sheffield Branch were in attendance at the reunion which was held in the Coronation Club at Armthorpe near Doncaster on the 12th April 2014. This event was sponsored by the Regimental Association, and members were treated to a pie and peas lunch not to mention
members for an enjoyable afternoon. Branch Secretary George Hodgson
travelled with the Normandy Veterans’ Association being an Associate member of the branch for their 70th year anniversary of the D Day Landings for 5 days from 2-6 June 2014. George can be seen in the photograph standing beside the statue of Coleville Montgomery. Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla were among those at Bayeux war cemetery
the roast potatoes!! Judging by what was not left; they went down well and were thoroughly enjoyed!
Members were also surprised to
learn that the singer/guitarist had been provided free of charge by the staff of
the Coronation Club and was much enjoyed by all, so a big thank you from the
Salamanca Day 2014
What started as a casual conversation in the office over a cup of tea (think it was
a cold one....again!) grew from just that into a full blown event!! How did that happen?! Anyhow, myself and Micky Miles, our Regimental Association Secretary who visits the office every Friday had the idea of holding a Salamanca
and memorial. Whilst there, George came across the headstones of 2 KOYLI soldiers.
Buckingham Palace was open to the Not Forgotten Association Garden Party held on the 26th June 2014. Gordon Hill and Walter Walker both attended and Her Majesty The Queen was in attendance.
get ready ourselves and then the punters start to arrive; Micky on hand to meet and greet; a few shocked faces from people who hadn’t seen their pals in a long time, so a bit of a reunion going on! We were joined on the day by a Band of Brothers (and some sisters!) from the KOYLI, LI and
Day function, the first
of its kind to be held by
Association ever, so
we ran our idea past
our Trustees Chairman
Brigadier Preston who
fully supported the idea
and approved a grant towards the function to get us started. “So, Micky how much beer do we need?”.....nothing like getting your priorities right! So preparations began in earnest, phone calls made, internet trawled, begging, pleading, thumb-screws applied, coercion tactics employed.... eventually, the plan came together in true “A Team” style and the day of the event finally dawned. So up we are at sparrows, setting up, stocking up not to mention trying to
RIFLES and ex-buglers from places various. As promised the Buglers turned up, warmed
up, supped up then dashed off to another gig eventually returning to us for the duration. But before they did,
in honour of tradition each bugler was plied with a glass of port (supplied by Gren Wilson) before-hand. Once assembled we are treated to a welcome speech by our Regimental Association Secretary and my partner in crime Micky Miles, who went on to give us a whistle-stop history lesson on the Battle of Salamanca and its relevance to our celebration, swiftly followed by the mandatory Health and Safety brief.....”On hearing the alarm the exits are here and
“So, Micky how much beer do we need?”.....nothing like getting your priorities right!
here...”!!! Just when you think it’s all over, the floor was taken by Gren Wilson who wanted to surprise his old mate Dave Judge who had been daft enough to put something on his Facebook page about having trouble with his hip, well what is
a true friend to do? When a friend is in trouble you have to help them all you can right? So Gren felt he must give him all the assistance he can and he way
of an inflatable zimmer frame, we all fell apart!!!! Who says Green Jackets haven’t got a sense of humour?!!! We were then entertained to a few old favourites by the buglers, not to mention “High on a Hill” gets everybody every time! We were also entertained all afternoon by a local artiste

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