Page 38 - Bugle Autumn 2014
P. 38
Warrant Officers’ & Serjeants’ Mess
1 RIFLES WOs’ & Sjts’ mess has had a busy but very enjoyable year.
The first major event was the Regimental dine out of the
RSM, WO1 Andy Phare. This was a great night as there were returning mess members that have moved into civilian life making appearances and also providing the RSM speech which revealed some interesting facts. For these facts we thank Mr (WO2 retired) Phil Neale.
The new RSM, WO1 Mitchell, is now in and the mess has continued on its path of enhancement with the decking project
complete, thanks to the extreme hard work of Sjt Rob Bason, working late into the night before the summer function.
The function was a great night, themed as a festival. Inflatable games were scattered around, Sjt Jamie Tyson dressed as farmer Joe, CSjt Field showing his dominance in the bungee run the author owning Sjt Tom Bray on the gladiator duel, with live bands playing throughout the night (and 160 gallons of local cider and ale drunk)! All mess members had a good night.
Sjt Simon Lake, Reconnaissance Platoon
WOs’ and Sjts’ Mess Football Team
Corporals’ Mess
In the final 2 months of 2013, the Battalion ran its third potential JNCO cadre since the amalgamation in 2007. Following the end
of course parade on the drill square, the newly promoted Lance Corporals were marched to the Corporals Mess by the top student, LCpl Niescior of Recce platoon, and welcomed into the mess by all mess members, including those who had instructed on the course.
A few days later, the Corporals’ Mess played a football match against a select Riflemen’s XI. Finishing the game with a completely undeserved 3-1 victory over the Corporals’ Mess. That evening, the Mess held its Christmas function at Chepstow Racecourse, with approximately 140 members and guests attending. The highlight of this evening was the raffle, where £3200 of prizes including a 42” Smart TV, an iPad mini and a One Direction figurine set.
On the first weekend of July 2014, the Corporals Mess hosted
its own summer function, a beach themed party, organised by new PMC Cpl Ray. The night featured a surf machine, bungee-run and sumo suits, as well as a live band and a comedian. The comedian turned out to be a massive disappointment, as he didn’t have an
JNCO Cadre 2013 Pass off Parade
answer for the continuous heckling he received from a room full of infantry soldiers. The highlight of the night went to Cpl Livingstone, a recent transfer from 3 RIFLES, who got so bored after 3 minutes standing on the surf machine without falling, that he decided to
do the next 30 seconds standing on his hands. To put that into perspective, the 2nd place time was 1 minute 57 seconds. Cpl Simon Martin, President of the Mess Committee.

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