Page 34 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 34

                  97 Battery in the MTUs
Quick on the heels of Ex SUN- DERLAND DAGGER 20 Law- sons Company, alongside the
rest of 4th Regiment, prepared to be deployed on OP RESCRIPT providing military aid to the civilian authorities in order to tackle to Covid-19 pandemic.
No-one was quite sure what to expect. We had been keeping track of the grow- ing spectre of the COVID-19 pandemic but, until a few weeks before we were called up, none of us even really thought it would get to the UK. But as more and more news came through, it became apparent that it was going to shape the immediate future for the entire country. It was obvious that it would set the condi- tions for our year too, as OP RESCRIPT taskings began being sent out.
The battery underwent a 3-day train- ing period, equipping us with the knowledge and skills required to oper- ate Mobile Testing Units (MTU’s). We then deployed out over the North East and Yorkshire, making testing facilities available to many thousands of people. In supporting the local authorities, we were proud to play a key part in battling to Covid-19 pandemic and our presence helped to bolster the confidence of local populations and help people get back to a more normal way of life. As local authorities began to take over the test- ing process in the summer, Lawsons company could begin to think about some well-deserved summer leave.
This was not the end of our contribution to the mass testing program, however. As cases across the country began to increase throughout October, a second wave seemed inevitable. Once again, 4th Regiment RA was called upon to provide aid to local authorities, this time in Liverpool. Personnel from 97 Battery once again deployed out to assist with this, utilising the valuable experience they had gained in the spring. But this time many of 97 Battery stayed behind and it fell to them to ensure that Alan- brooke barracks continued to function properly with such a large part of the Regiment away. An often unsung role, members of Lawsons Company have been determined and professional as they have covered the regimental guard and duties commitments and ensured that training and administration con- tinued seamlessly as their colleagues were away.
97 Battery have been proud of the part they have played in the Covid-19 pan- demic and, as always, stand ready to do more should they be called upon.
4th Regiment Royal Artillery
Capt de Bois
On the 11th October 2020, six JTAC’s and one FST ack from 97 Battery, 4RA (consisting of personnel from
the RA, RL, LD and RAF Regt) departed Alanbrooke Barracks in Topcliffe to deploy to France on Ex ROYAL BLACKHAWK 20. This French led air land integration exer- cise employed service personnel from four NATO countries (France, UK, US and Belgium) and an impressive array of air an aviation assets including Apache and Tiger Attack Helicopters as well as Black- hawks, Caymens and Chinooks to enable HAF movements. French Mirage and Raf- fle jets provided the fast air component.
The road to departing had not been easy. The spectre of Covid-19 had been unavoid- able. But following periods of uncertainty, with negative test results and extensive
medical plans in hand and the knowledge that the exercise had been given a defini- tive green light, we were ready to depart on the first non-operational overseas deploy- ment the British Army had done since the onset of Covid-19. We understood how important the success of the exercise and the safety of the soldiers on it would be in demonstrating the viability of continuing overseas and interoperability exercises.
Arriving in Belfort, France the group was greeted by Capt Rousingol of the 1st Artil- lery. Our next days consisted of familiari- sation with partners and their equipment. We learnt from our French counterparts about how they were operating in Mali. This included a significant amount of Heli- copter Assault Force (HAF) deployments and in preparation to deploy alongside
The hike

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