Page 36 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 36
Major Gascoigne RA Maj Lowes RA
WO2 (RQMS) Robinson WO2 (RQMS) Bird SSgt Standbridge
SSgt Gurung SSgt Hogan
SSgt Jackson Sgt Brown Sgt Davidson Bdr Atkins Bdr Boyd Bdr Blay
Bdr Carlton
Cpl Morgan
Cpl Stewart
LBdr Blakemore LCpl Jackson
Gnr Keating
Mrs Helen Schofield Mrs Ima Tawake
The time has come once again to update the regimental journal with the successes and tribulations of the Quartermaster’s department. The dept find ourselves in choppy and uncharted waters, yet we are buoyant, strong together and remain on task. Committed to providing logistical support in line with our newly adopted and rather apt departmental moto Omnia, Ubique Semper (Anything, Any- where, Anytime), we are resilient in service.
Op TOSCA 30 (1 Apr – 1 Oct 19)
The operational deployment may not have been until 1 Apr 19 but the logistic planning to provide equipment, accommodation and transport started in earnest in 2108. Pre-deployment training required logis- tic support in many guises and locations, programmed, resourced and delivered the final deployment was to see 250 troops deployed into Nesscliffe training area for the Missions Rehearsal Exercise. The QMs department had not only delivered RLS throughout they had proven their readi- ness for their role on operations.
Freight had been transported by air, land and sea to ensure that the regiment had everything required to deliver their role for the entirety of the 6 months in an unfamil- iar environment, a process to be repeated,
no sooner had we landed did the recovery planning start.
Support Coy (QM’s dept+) planned and delivered crucial daily activities to sustain the force from catering (Man of the match), water collection, driving details and patrol track maintenance with a little help from our RE Det and the Operational Safety assurance.
One additional task was to oversee and project to manage the occupation of a newly delivered prefabricated accommo- dation and closure of the historically infa- mous (for its poor safety standards and fire risk) Ledra Palace Hotel for all accommo- dated personnel which had become too high a risk and unsafe to maintain.
From Alanbrooke bks to Nicosia every- thing had arrived and returned, soldiers were equipped, fed, slept well and returned home safely with a cracking suntan, job well done!
Op TOSCA – Rear Operations
Group (ROG)
Despite the two thirds of the of the regi- ment and key personnel from the depart- ment being deployed oversees on OP TOSCA the responsibilities of logistically supporting the Rear Operations Group
(ROG) and the barracks did not cease. The RQMS was entrusted with the reigns in which to keep the department’s respon- sibilities on course and manage the daily routine.
Relatively new to the regiment WO2(RQMS) Robinson bore the full weight of a busy barracks with tired infra- structure and the logistical complexities in support of the ROG and overseas sup- port to the deployed troops, not to men- tion a small issue of preparedness for the looming Logistic Assurance Inspection. A challenge of which he and the young team took within stride and delivered superbly in all quarters.
Exercise SUNDERLAND DAGGER (SD) and the illusive Ex IRON STORM (IS) The QM’s department first opportunity to flex its logistical muscles since the return from operations, we prepared to deploy is support of Ex SUNDERLAND DAGGER and 1st Artillery Brigade’s annual ‘Gunner’ stomp, exercise IRON STORM 20, Otter- burn Training Area, Northumberland.
In true 4RA fashion the team launched themselves into the exercise and despite poor weather conditions the exercise was developing well, the sun and heat of Nico- sia seemed but a distant memory, never- theless core training was developing, and a head of steam was building towards the Bde exercise.
Alas as the final days of Ex SD 20 drew close and as the Battery Commanders pre- pared for their Fire Plans to rock the very foundations news of the pandemic broke and with it an early close to ex SD and an opportunity celebrate our return to role in the eyes of the Bde was lost, there would be other opportunities to sell our wares.
The regiment achieved a great deal in a short time and the QMs Dept can be rightly proud of the part they played in support of the regiments successful return to role.
4th Regiment Royal Artillery
Regimental Echelon
Quartermaster’s Department 2019-2021
Omnia, Ubique, Semper (Anything, Anywhere, Anytime)
Quatermaster’s Foreword