Page 37 - 4RA Regimental Journal 2019-2020
P. 37

                4th Regiment Royal Artillery
Oct 19
Regiment returns from OP TOSCA. Mrs Tawake leaves, Mrs Schofield joins the team.
Nov 19
Successful LSI.
Nov 19
Rangiriri day – Bty Photo in Work- sop and evening function.
Nov 19
Bdr Atkins charity event 30 miles for 30 days.
Dec 19
QM arranges soldiers Christmas dinner.
Jan 20
EX SD /IS planning.
Feb 20
EX SD/IS – Regimental and Brigade EX live firing.
March 20
COVID 19 strikes.
March 20
Restructure of Regimental proce- dures to support social distancing.
Apr 20
Assist in the set up of logistics deport at Harrogate Nightingale hospital.
Apr 20
Bdr Boyd deploys to OP TORAL.
May 20
Implementing control measures for staged return to work and social distancing.
May 20
Provide logistical support to Brigade lead testing tasks.
Jun 20
SSgt Hogan leaves, SSgt Stan- bridge arrives as UAA.
Jun 20
Planning for memorial garden undertaken.
Jul 20
Gazebo project begins.
Jul 20
Mrs Schofield receives Command- ing Officers commendation.
Jul 20
Health and safety inspection.
Sep 20
renovation of the Hub.
Sep 20
JNCO redecoration program.
Oct 20
Dept Comd visit.
Dec 20
SLA redecoration.
Op RESCRIPT and support
the Civil Authorities
The regiments return to barracks was a little subdued with, like many the uncer- tainty of what lay ahead, especially for the regimental family in the midst of the pandemic. We found ourselves preparing the barracks for the safe return of troops, locally made signs, safe one-way systems and as much hand sanitizer and soap as could be mustered. Never had toilet roll or hand sanitizer been so prized, rationing items we did in an attempt to keep the ship afloat.
It wasn’t long before the regiment had received orders to provide support to the Civil authorities, NHS Hospital NIGHTIN- GALE, Harrogate.
A team of our finest logistical experts were readied to support the deployment of COVID SUPPORT FORCE (CSF), in this case 88 (Arracan) Bty. On arrival, it became apparent that BC 88 Bty and his merry team had everything in hand at the hospital and so under SSgt Hogan (the regiments resident logistics expert) the team set about to preparing the founda- tions for the NHS’s distribution warehouse.
SSgt Hogan and LCpl Jackson’s love for logistics is far in excess of that which would be expected of any reasonably minded individual so a chance to turn an empty warehouse into a well functional stock receipt and distribution centre was an exciting albeit challenging mission. These efforts of a small but professional team assisted the NHS immensely, the site was set with an effective accounting sys- tem in place, our team’s actions had pro- vided much needed time gap for the NHS to pool together their own team of experts whilst allowing supplies to be accounted for and delivered to the Harrogate site without delays.
Further support came in differing guises to each CSF that deployed, whether that be in support of the Mobile Testing Units in and around the North east of England or the Whole Site Testing deployed to Liverpool, at each turn we prepared, we planned and acted when logistics were called upon.
Dispersed readiness
Dispersed readiness, with the regiment on skeleton manning the QM’s team had time to re-evaluate in camp improvements to utilise this time effectively. The refur- bishment of the JNCOs’ Mess began with renovation of the outside areas with new gazebos, games areas and even a lick of paint to bring the decking areas back to life. Moving indoors to breathe new life into the JNCOs’ Mess, newly painted walls, TV’s from the bank of the 2iC and furniture direct from MOD Plc. The changes have improved the once dreary uninviting space
into a bright and useful space where our JNCOs can meet and socialise, once safe to do so.
As 2020 comes to a close in a year of craziness that no-one could have ever foreseen, we have just one last project to get underway. The Single Living Accom- modation (SLA) in Alanbrooke Bks is old and some would claim it may be passed it’s sell by date, however we, like to think self-help and improvement rather than complaint is the best strategy. The redeco- ration throughout and reflooring of the communal areas does not change the old structure of the SLA nor does it change the 4 man rooms to single on-suites and more which many of the young soldiers would prefer, however every bit helps to make the lived experience of our youngest and most valuable assets a little better.
Welcomes and farewells
We have said goodbye to a few of the team since the last article was put to print and just as some have left so new faces have joined the team ‘The King is dead, long live the King,’ we move onwards and upwards wishing those great souls and their fami- lies the warmest of farewells and good luck for their future endeavours. To those that join the team ‘hello and welcome’ a new start and with a pocket full of positiv- ity we move forward in earnest.
All those that have left our team are wor- thy of mention, but I am restricted in my word count (lol), it would be amiss not to mention the loss and gain of our Clerk of Works (CoW). A larger than life charac- ter and with a wealth of experience Mrs Ima Tawake moves on in a bid to achieve greater success and personal goals for which so passionately chases, we thank her for everything she has done during her time at the department and wish her every success in the future.
One door closes another opens and the department have been fortunate to have Mrs Helen Schofield join the team as the new and CoW and smasher of all things trash! A keen fitness addict Helen can often be found taking out her frustrations in the waste area on just about anything deemed too big to fit in the skip. Helen has made an immediate impact on the teams and we are better for having her on board. Welcome.
The QM’s department remains focused on improvement in our profession as a team and identifying and pursuing betterment for our people, accepting change and rel- ishing challenges.

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