Page 111 - MBS 2022/23
P. 111

  22 Engineer Regiment (22 Engr Regt) is a Close Support Armoured Engineering Regiment. We provide
intimate mobility, counter-mobility and survivability support to 20 Armoured Brigade Combat Team as part of the Warfighting Division (3XX). This is from the Bde HQ G5 all the way through BGHQ G3/5 to G3 at the sub-unit level. Signature kit includes the TITAN (bridging), TROJAN (ploughing) and TERRIER (digging) capabilities.
Having moved into this job 6-months ago from 47th Regiment Royal Artillery, it’s amazing how two mainstream units can be so busy supporting completely different tasks. Throughout this year the unit has been supporting operations on Op CABRIT and exercises in Lithuania, Kenya and Canada. I must be doing something wrong as I have not yet been able to get on one of these opportunities!
What I have found interesting, is although the job role and capbadge is different, the soldiers are the same and like so many units, we are all constantly banging the same drums about ensuring we are Individual Training Requirement (ITR) compliant whilst tackling the everlasting battle of weight management! Our most
SSgt (SSI) D Smith RAPTC
recent success regarding this is the introduction of our Enhanced PT. The idea behind this is all personnel who are classed as Very High Risk on their Body Composition Measurement (BCM) turn up every Monday for an educational lesson, every PT session they are mandated to turn up to, and on the Wednesday and Friday they conduct low level non-impact heart and lung sessions/ flexibility & mobility. Since introducing this, we have already successfully removed 13 of the 42 Service Personnel (SP) who started, and we are only 14 days in. It’s not the extra sessions that has achieved this, it is the fact soldiers don’t want to come onto it, when in fact all we are doing now is holding these people accountable. I am sure there are plenty of units doing something similar!
Most recently we have introduced our Regimental Cup. This consists of 8 events spread across the year including both military and sporting events. The first event organised was a mini ironman. We are very lucky here in Tidworth to have a nearby swimming pool and a back door training area we can access. Speaking from experience, this is not always the case at every unit we go to! The next event scheduled is a March and Shoot led by 5
SSgt (SSI) D Smith delivering CO’s PT
Armoured Engineer Squadron. This will be a great opportunity for all soldiers in the Regiment to refine our soldiering skills.
Despite only moving into this job 6-months ago, I am thoroughly enjoying my time with the Engineers, and I look forward to embracing what the unit has to offer!

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