Page 187 - MBS 2022/23
P. 187

                                 What a year from both a personal and professional point of view. I have said goodbye to a full night’s sleep for the foreseeable future as I became a Dad for the second time, now having two children under the age of two (who needs sleep). To chuck more into the mix, why not add a move in too; my time was up at PCRF Chicksands and onto new challenges at PCRF Warminster. Before leaving Chicksands, myself and QMSI Armstrong were fortunate enough to help with the planning of the RAPTC Reunion weekend which was scheduled to take place in September 2022, but sadly cancelled due to the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Since moving to PCRF Warminster, I cannot fault the friendliness of the new team, most notably the PCRF. The physios are part of the furniture, having worked here for over 15 years. My predecessor told me they were brilliant in both their
RAPTC Basketball OSV to Portugal - winning team
Sgt (SI) T Robbie RAPTC
knowledge and friendliness, and he was absolutely right. I believe if staff remain in one place of work for many years, then there tends to be a positive reason for this. As a PCRF we mainly treat high-ranking officers, so I have found most patients apply themselves fully with exercise rehab. Like many PCRFs, we see a wide variety of MSKI injuries, but mainly lower limb. It is a very busy PCRF and if you enjoy being an ERI, then I highly recommend PCRF Warminster.
I have a huge passion in travelling and when the opportunity to represent the Corps on a Basketball OSV to Portugal arose; it was something I could not turn down. A fantastic experience, and for anybody who has not played basketball before and thinks it is easy, then all I will say is try it. You could say I was running constantly because I could not keep the ball. Somehow, the team pulled me through, and we won our mini tournament.
Sgt (SI) Robbie & OCS students
Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed the tour and what a privilege it was to be paid to be in the sun.
Arriving back from sunny Portugal, I swapped the sun for the rain, delivering the Obstacle Course Supervisor (OCS) in October 2022. I found instructing on the OCS to be extremely rewarding as every student wanted to be there and learn. All the participants were impressive individuals who volunteered to guide and teach Army Cadets in their own time. Most of them were military veterans and possessed a descent amount of experience on obstacle courses. There were however some students who had never set foot on one. Like everything you do in life, the people you are with will determine the experience. Thankfully, I had a positive course and would highly recommend anyone in volunteering to instruct on an OCS.
Sgt (SI) Robbie instructing on the OCS
    RAPTC Basketball OSV to Portugal

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