Page 70 - MBS 2022/23
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  The Sapper Games 2023 (SG23) is something the Regiment are gearing up towards competing in during July 23. The aim of the Sapper Games is to draw together Royal Engineer units, both Regular and Reserve, in a sporting competition. It provides a relaxed but competitive sporting event for units and individuals to compete for trophies whilst promoting ‘esprit de corps.’ After a top 3 finish last year, the Regiment will be looking to build on this.
This year has been a busy year for the AAPTIs, with many of them deploying on Operations, Exercises and Adventurous Training as well as delivering the Regiment’s Physical Training Programme (PTP). Germany, Norway and Mali are just a few of the many destinations that have been visited by the team.
Sporting representation throughout the Regiment has increased. With the British
LCpl Bishop deployed to British Forces South Atlantic Islands (BFSAI)
SSgt (SSI) M Evans RAPTC
Army Warrior Fitness (BAWF) team taking part in multiple events throughout the year. The Station Football team have reached the final of the RAF Cup due to be played on the 11 May at Oxford City’s ground; the team has multiple members from the Regiment. Also, individuals competing at Army level in sports such as football and skiing.
The CO’s cup, which is run station-wide, with teams from the RAF, MDP and Civilians with 42 Engr Regt regularly winning the event! This was confirmed just prior to Christmas when the Regiment
LCpl Bishop enjoying some ‘down’ time on Adventurous Training
were crowned the overall winners after taking part in CO’s Christmas PT, coming out victorious after multiple festive games and challenges.
The Regiment is very unique and one which is challenging and rewarding working alongside both the RAF and Babcock Instructors. The gym facility itself is excellent and allows us to deliver the Army Physical Training System (APTS) to the Regiment without having to compromise. I look forward to the remaining 2 and a half years this posting has to offer.
Cpl Hart competing at a Regional BAWF event
LCpl Hamblett competing at the Downhill Skiing Army Championships

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