Page 71 - MBS 2022/23
P. 71

                                 The Physical Development (PD) team at MCTC consists of WO2 (QMSI) D Hagan RAPTC, Sgt T Gelder (RAF), SIO PT M Door and SIO PT J Browne. The team deliver PT, AT and local Rehabilitation for the detainees held at MCTC and the permanent MPS Regt and augmentee staff from RN and RAF.
The big project this year has been the gym uplift. The long-suffering PD and MPS Regt staff have been training with barely adequate equipment for some time, the QMSI was able to proactively secure funds to bring the gym into this century, in line with the Army Physical Training System (APTS). With an emphasis on functional training, contact was made with Pulse Fitness with the aim of getting them to build a bespoke indoor functional training rig. Not only would this support the training of MPS Regt staff to complete the Soldier Conditioning Review (SCR) and Role Fitness Test (Soldier) (RFT(S)), but also support the impressive growth of British Army Warrior Fitness (BAWF). In the planning stage for some time, the rig was eventually fitted in Feb 23 and has been put into good use ever since. Alongside the rig, the gym flooring was uplifted throughout all training areas, we also received a range of functional training equipment, such as Olympic bars, wall balls, and bumper weight plates, which all provide a wide range of opportunities
Sgt T Gelder RAF
   Not many people know about Royal Air Force (RAF) Joint Service Signals Unit (JSSU)
Digby, Situated in Lincolnshire amongst other RAF camps such as RAF Cranwell (the RAF’s version of Sandhurst) and RAF Waddington. Operations globally are supported here, and its presence of Government Communications HQ (GCHQ) means business here will mostly remain unknown, unless you are in it and have the right level of clearance.
Posting in from Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Stanford Hall as an Exercise Rehabilitation Instructor and starting here in October 2022, the unit has mostly shaken off its COVID hangover. Digging my teeth into the Mainstream way of life, the battle rhythm is a complex beast here with
Sgt (SI) D Charmer RAPTC
JSSU / RAF Digby AGC Boxing Show
several shift patterns. The squadrons are a tri-service mix and multinational, making the Physical Development (PD) programme a challenge at times to meet the needs of its single Service (sS) fitness assessments.
My mission here is simple. Keep the train set moving forward with more
Team photo – Austria Ski Exped
Adventurous Training (AT), more Sport and promote the social use of the gym to promote health. The recently initiated and inspired Army Physical Training System (APTS) programme receives praise amongst all, including our Royal Navy/RAF counterparts, which I’m taking as a ‘W’ from an ARMY perspective!
   for personnel to enhance their personal training sessions as well as improving the possibilities for group PT sessions.
Regarding sport, there have been some great individual and team successes. Individually, SIO PT Jack Browne achieved joint 1st in the Army Indoor Rowing League this year in the 30-39 open age category and Sgt Tony Coulter achieved 3rd in the 40-49 age category of the same competition. A scratch team of 14 MPS personnel with only two days of training, went on a raiding party to RMP Rugby 7’s,
held at the Defence School of Policing and Guarding (DSPG) and ran out victorious, with only minor scrapes and without any major injuries. This was a considerable triumph considering the inexperience of the team and the lack of training, but is certainly testament to the coaching ability and desire of the players to represent their Regt. This year has also seen the return of the CO’s Cup, in the form of the MPS Garsia Sports Shield. So far there have been four individual sports competitions comprising of Volleyball, Quick Cricket, 5-a-side Football and Uni-Hoc.
MCTC’s new Functional Training Rig

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