Page 73 - MBS 2022/23
P. 73

                                  HQ 12 ARMOURED BRIGADE COMBAT TEAM
It has been an intense period for the KRH Gym Dept, seeing the uplift of new gym equipment and a Strength &
Conditioning shelter allowing the unit PT staff to deliver a higher quality of training to the unit in order to prepare them to deploy as part of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence on OP CABRIT 11 in Estonia.
The Regiment spent the majority of the summer period deployed overseas in Germany and Poland, ensuring they were tactically sound to deploy as the Battlegroup Lead on Op CABRIT 11. For the PT staff this was about ensuring the unit was physically conditioned, robust and prepared for the coming months on a COLD winter tour. Summer saw the unit come together for the annual D’Arcy Hall athletics competition, where athletes from all Squadrons entered their respective track or field events to secure points in the hope of gaining the title of D’Arcy Hall 2022 Champions. The competition was fantastic and brought out some amazing talent but, in the end, it was HQ Squadron that would come out on top and take the 2022 title.
September saw the change of the unit RAPTCI, SSgt Longden moved on to a new career in the civilian sector and SSgt Parker stepped into the role and went straight out of the door on deployment.
The KRH battlegroup deployed on OP CABRIT 11 in mid- September where they quickly
SSgt (SSI) R Parker RAPTC
EFP Battlegroup Team at the Estonian Defence Force Sports Day
settled in, the unit PT Staff made a seamless transition to their delivery of PT from Tidworth gym and the huge facilities available to the smaller less equipped gym on Camp Tapa in Estonia. The main effort was to maintain the unit’s aerobic capacity and training outdoors as much as possible before the snow arrived, and oh did it arrive. In November the snow came thick and fast and so did the cold, forcing training inside where the team again reacted to the change and began to focus on maintaining the unit’s strength and muscular endurance.
The KRH took all opportunities for sports and AT during the Op CABRIT 11,
LCpl Brashill KRH AAPTI, Walking out at the NATO Boxing Night
with soldiers taking part in the Estonian Defence Force Sports Day and Indoor Rowing Championships as well as traveling to Finland to Conduct Ski Foundation 1 as part of unit Adventurous Training. The sporting highlight of the year goes to the KRH NATO Boxing night which saw the battlegroup come together to watch boxers compete from across the EFP Estonia, EFP Latvia and EFP Lithuania Battlegroups, it is worth noting that the live stream had over 3000 people watching during the evening, a huge success for KRH battlegroup.
All in all, this has been an outstanding year of Sport and training for the KRH and with a busy 2023 ahead, there is no doubt there is more success in sports and physical training just around the corner, but only once the unit return to the UK and after some well-deserved post tour
KRH Battlegroup CABRIT 11 Gym Staff Photo with a big tank

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