Page 94 - MBS 2022/23
P. 94

Well, what a year it’s been so far. On arrival to 36 Engineers & Queens Gurkha Engineers (36 Engrs & QGE), my initial intent was to integrate fully into the Unit and its people, as well as see where I could offer the most amount of value. The place where I could offer the most value was Level 1 and 2 PT. 36 Engrs & QGE now have a full-time Rehab Pathway Troop (Chard VC Troop). This allows Service Personnel (SP) from both Level 1 and 2 PT to be ring-fenced within a full-time, tracked and accountable Troop. This allows SP the time required to heal, develop their cardiovascular system, improve strength and gain in confidence for a smooth transition back in to Level 3 PT.
For those on level 3 PT, we now have a monthly competition – The Inter Squadron Series. This has been a well-received part of the Physical Training Programme (PTP) and provides SP at all levels the healthy competition they crave. So far, we have completed 4 competitions - Cross Country, BAWF, Equipment Run and a Dispersed Triathlon. Currently, 69 Sqn hold a slender lead going into the next competition – which is Athletics.
I was extremely fortunate to conduct some personal development and instructional courses this year. One of which was the Royal Marines Close Combat Instructor Trainer (IT Course) Course at the Commando Training Centre, Lympstone. This is the first time in its history that Army personnel have conducted the course to this level. I am now 1 of 2 Instructors in the RAPTC who are able to deliver this capability gap Army wide. I am looking forward to delivering back to the Fd Army and increasing the number of Instructors we have.
SSgt (SSI) B Gilmore RAPTC
 36 Engrs & QGE Inter Sqn Comp
I was honoured to be part of a small team of RAPTCIs that deployed to Bahrain for 4-weeks to deliver a bespoke PTI Course to the Bahrain Royal Guard. The course was made up of 42 members of the Royal Guard, split into 2 sections. The overall aim of the course was to deliver our current methods of physical training, test knowledge via Instructional Practices as well as test physical output through the use of a Soldier Conditioning Review (SCR) minus. Overall, the Short Term Training Team (STTT) was a huge success.
In addition to courses and STTTs, I was very fortunate to be Team Captain of the winning team of this year’s BAWF Team Series. A strong showing in all 5 Regional Events set us up nicely for the Finals at ATR Winchester.
Royal Marines Close Combat Instructor Trainer Course
   36 Engrs & QGE Inter Sqn Comp
Delivering PT as part of the Bahrain Royal Guard STTT

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