Page 92 - MBS 2022/23
P. 92

  14th Signal Regiment (EW) is in beautiful Pembrokeshire in West Wales where the nearest amenities
(shops) are in Haverfordwest, which is approximately a 20-minute drive away. Due to the location, the Regiment has been granted the insulated unit status which means that there is only a 4-day working week. This is a massive bonus to being in such a remote location.
The Regiment is extremely busy, and its main output is Electronic Warfare. The nature of this means that personnel deploy as small teams to numerous locations. During the past year I have been fortunate enough to deploy on several trips with the regiment. One of those deployments was possibly one of the best trips I have had to date.
Exercise Raven Cup. On Fri 28 Oct 22, members of 14 Sig Regt (EW) began their long journey from wet and windy west Wales to sunny Australia, to take part in the Ravens Cup running race. Historically, this race has been a friendly competition between members of 14 Sigs Regt (EW) and 7th Sigs Regt (Aus), our Australian EW cousins. Luckily for us, this was the first time, since before the pandemic, that we were able to travel there and take part in person. For many members of the team this was their first time traveling to Australia, so expectations were high.
After traveling for two days, by road and on two flights covering a total of 20,623 Km we reached Borneo Barracks. Located in Cabarlah, Queensland; This is the home of 7th Sigs Regt and where we would be competing in the race.
The first week of the exercise saw the team take part in acclimatisation training. This was vital as the Australian heat was a lot different to a sunny day in Wales. During this time, we also had a chance to get to know the ins and outs of 7th Sigs. Each day offered us a chance to see how each Sqn was ran and what capabilities the Aussies where using. It was good to see how a fellow five eyes nation with half the defence budget was able to use their EW equipment so effectively and efficiently. Each Sqn was set up similarly to the Sqns at 14, with each having slightly different capabilities and commitments. Overall, the team thought highly of 7th Sigs Regt, the way they operated and the effects they could deliver was something that 14 Sigs Regt (EW) could learn from. Perhaps in the form of a future joint exercise...
The second week saw 7th Sig Regt play host to Corps Week. A 4-day event that comprised of Royal Australian Signals units competing against each other in
SSgt (SSI) D Thomas RAPTC
 several sports. These included Rugby, Beach Volleyball, Tug-O-War, Atlas/Athena strength challenge, and several running events. Most importantly, the Ravens Cup. Having won the Ravens Cup several years in a row, our team was determined to keep the winning streak going.
The run itself is comprised of 3.6km legs, with each team member running a total of three legs, bringing the total distance to 108km. The race started at 0730hrs and lasted till around 1500hrs. The team started off strong and was setting a good pace for the first legs, with SSgt (SSI) Thomas setting the quickest lap time of the group at 12min 54s. But as the hours went by and the sun came out, the heat began to take its toll on the team. It was at this point that 7th Sigs gained the upper hand and took the lead. Despite the teams’ best efforts to keep up with our Aussie rivals, 7 Sigs took the flag and finally put an end to 14 Sig Regt’s winning streak. With the team putting in an overall time of 7hrs 30mins, we were just 10 mins behind 7th Sigs. A strong effort all round, despite the Aussies having the home advantage.
At the end of the week there was some time for us to relax and enjoy some of the beautiful sights of Australia before heading back to Wales. A trip to the Gold Coast to see the beautiful beaches stretched along the world-famous Surfers’ Paradise. The team also got to enjoy a day
trip to Australia Zoo to see some of the country’s well know animals.
All in all, the Exercise was a great opportunity to meet and learn from our friends at 7th Sigs Regt, as well as competing against them in the Ravens Cup. Next year however, we’ll be back to collect our trophy.
SSgt (SSI) D Thomas RAPTC handing over the Raven Cup to a member of 7 Sigs
14 Sig Regt (EW) Raven Cup running team

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