Page 29 - Chiron Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 29

daughter was a holiday rep here during the summer of 1999. She ended up staying, got married here and our first granddaughter was born here in 2001.
Before leaving I put the trailer of his weighbridge just to make sure we were not going to break any laws crossing Europe, and it tipped the scales at just a fraction over three tons. We set off from Oswaldtwistle (yes, it is a real place) in Lancashire destined for
As for growing fat and lazy in the sunshine, we soon came to realise that we could not just sit and do nothing. So, we opened a wine and cocktail bar, indulging my love of jazz and blues music, this was great fun for a couple of years. However,
I have always had a great passion
for wildlife and found that I also
had a great passion for history. So, we sold the wine bar and became professional tour guides for 15 years.
When Covid-19 hit we decided that sitting on a tour bus or tour boat with the great unwashed tourists from around the
world was probably not a good idea at our age. So, we officially retired that year.
Zakynthos has a great history; many people do not realise that these islands were British for around 67 years up to 1864. Many major battles that shaped modern-day Europe took place within sight of the island. The island boasts the biggest
  There are
a number of
routes through
Europe and
we chose to
drive straight
through France, crossing the Swiss border at Balsal then straight across Italy to Ancona. From there it is a 24hr ferry crossing to Patras on the Peloponnese, a short drive to Killini, and a one hour ferry crossing to Zakynthos. After 3 days of driving, around 25hrs on ferries and around 2,500 miles later, we arrived at our new home.
nesting ground of the Loggerhead Turtle in Europe and the nesting ground of the spectacular Elenora’s Falcon.
If any of you are coming to Zakynthos for a visit, and many have, please do not hesitate to get in touch for any advice etc. We have lived here for almost 20 years, and we know every corner of the island, places to visit, best tavernas, trips etc. Or just to meet up for a pint.
“I have always had a great passion for wildlife and found that I also had a great passion for history”
   The History of the
Royal Army Veterinary
Corps 1962 – 2021
By Lieutenant Colonel Chris Ham MBE RAVC
Published by
Crest Publications.
Available to buy
now via the RAVC
Regimental Secretary, for further details email
 RAVC/DATR Opportunities
NASDU and the private security dog sector acknowledges the skills & experience of RAVC/DATR trained personnel and as such have opportunities for Trainers and handlers within the private sector.
Level 2 Award for a Security Dog Handler
Pathways: GP, Patrol Dog
Level 3 Certificate for a Security Dog Handler
Pathways: GP Advanced Tracking
Level 3 Certificate for a Detection Dog Handler Pathways: Drugs, Live Body, Victim Recovery etc.
Level 4 Certificate for a Detection Dog Handler Pathways: Explosive Detection, VS, Cargo etc.
All qualifications are accredited by HABC, an Awarding Organisation authorised by OFQUAL and recognised by the SIA.
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