Page 51 - Cadet review Summer 2022
P. 51
Our newest recruits (Mercury squad) were able
to achieve their Basic Fieldcraft passes and can’t wait to take part in more fieldcraft. One Stars (Hercules and Blandford) were able to get lots of practical experience and consolidate what they’d learnt already at detachment/ company activity, to achieve their one star fieldcraft passes. The cadets particularly enjoyed basha building and sleeping out, obstacle crossing and stag. Constructive feedback received from the cadets was wanting to do stag all night, have thicker roll mats, have trees for bashas and not being a fan of portaloos!
The logistics of organising a relatively large scale detachment activity were a learning curve. However, with a great team of volunteers and the boundless enthusiasm of the cadets as ever, it's definitely a model that we’ll look to replicate and develop further in the future.