Page 34 - QARANC Vol 16 No 1 2018
P. 34

                                32 QARANC THE GAZETTE
 Military staff of DMG South selling poppies in the hospital atrium
Remembrance Events Defence Medical Group South
November is always a busy time of year for all military units; for DMGS we had three main events over the remembrance period.
Firstly was selling poppies in the hospital atrium. The aim of this was to raise awareness of DMGS and demonstrate a positive military presence within the trust, whilst also raising awareness of and showing support to the Royal British Legion. Over a period of three days leading up to 11 November ,volunteers from all ranks and services from the unit spent either the morning or afternoon manning a stall selling poppies and other RBL items. After the event the RBL lead for Cosham confirmed that we had raised £1824.00.
On Friday 10 November the military held a joint military and trust Remembrance Service which was held in the hospital atrium. The aim of this joint service was to provide an opportunity for military personnel, Portsmouth Trust staff and patients to pay their respects to those who had lost their lives serving their country in past and present conflicts and in peace time. The service was opened by the trust Chief Executive and Maj Maloney; this was followed by readings from the hospital chaplain and members of the military and trust staff. During the service a member from each of the three services laid a wreath and there two minutes silence was held.
On Sunday 12 November the
annual Remembrance Day Ceremony took place at Gosport War Memorial Hospital. DMGS provided a tri-service troop of personnel who were on parade during the service, where the Commanding Officer laid a wreath. On completion of the ceremony a march past the war memorial took place with the salute been taken by the Mayor of Gosport and Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire. Those not part of the marching contingent joined the crowds of military, veterans and local people to watch the parade. Afterwards personnel were hosted by the Gosport branch of the RBL.
WO1 (RSM) C Olive DMGS

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