Page 44 - Cadet Review 2_24
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                                CEY Wing ATC
 Emily Edmiston: Instructor Cadet
On Thursday, 14 March, Officer Commanding 1324 Squadron was pleased to present Cadet Flight Sergeant Emily Edmiston with her Instructor Cadet’s lanyard, signifying the completion of her specialist training.
The yellow instructor cadet’s lanyard recognises the specialist training undertaken by senior cadets in order to allow them to support squadron staff and teach subject matter to strict and professional standards.
Flight Lieutenant Luke Clifford-Roper-Smith said of Emily’s efforts, “Emily has absolutely grafted to complete this specialist training.
I had the pleasure of observing a couple of
her lessons, and formally assessing one of them. She engaged her classes, ensured they had relevant and interesting handouts that supported the aims and objectives and, most importantly, it was fun. She is very deserving of this accolade, and I can’t wait to put her to work as a member of our training team!”
Emily described her time working
through the syllabus, “After completing my presentation skills course on squadron, I attended a Method of Instruction (MOI) course at the Cadet Training Centre Driffield. Here we learned about different learning styles, how to adapt lessons for peoples’ specific needs, and how to present our slides in a useful way. Once I returned home, I got straight on with my practice assessments, all of which were presented to our new recruit flight (Loncaster Flight). I have really enjoyed the journey MOI took me on and how the several assessments allowed me to show continuous development in my instructional style and ability. I am really grateful to my instructors and assessors for their time, and they have assisted me in enhancing a skill I believe will allow me to give back to the squadron more.”
   Emily teaches cadets using the Wing Aerospace Centre’s VR headsets
First Aid
Seven cadets
completed a 2-day
Youth First Aid course
at Halifax Barracks,
home of 1324 (Hawker
Blackburn) Squadron.
The course received
their lectures delivered by Acting Pilot Officer Megan Roberts.
The intensive 2-day course built on the Essential First Aid course and followed a detailed syllabus from St John Ambulance.
Cadet Corporal Isaac Pearson said, “My brain was fried after the first day - there was so much to learn, but it was very enjoyable.”
Bronze badges all around!
The seven cadets completed all stages of the course and the Officer Commanding 1324 Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Luke Clifford-Roper-Smith said of their success, “The cadets have worked really hard over the last two days, and it’s been great to watch them bond as a team. Acting Pilot Officer Megan Roberts and Flying Officer Chris Terry have my sincerest thanks for leading such a terrific and enjoyable course.”
   Bronze badges all around!

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