Page 107 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 107

Capt (MAA) W Wilson RAPTC
Iwrite this short note as I have just completed my hand over of JSMTW Ripon to Capt (MAA) Lou James. I am sure she will enjoy her time at this amazing post as much as I have. The long
term strategic positioning of the Wing has now been confirmed as Halton camp and I look forward to being invited to the grand opening of the new JSMTW Halton in the next 2-3 years. It’s taken less than 18 months in post as OC to convert me to the “dark side”.
I have purchased my own woolly hat and I voluntarily disappear down caves, up ropes, traverse along Alpine ridges, ski down and “skin up” hills, tramp across snow-capped Scottish Munro’s and have even got in a boat or 2 in my time here – Major (MAA) Dave Boocock my Probations instructor will be shocked to hear I have fully embraced the AT world after NOT being recommended for a career as an ATI!
This post has been high tempo but thoroughly enjoyable and being at the coal face of Developmental Training delivery has really enthused me to be an advocate of the ability of AT to enhance Operational capability. I now set off with a spring in my step towards my next post as SO3 PD at 7X.......
 WO1 (RSM) Mat Fletcher now Capt (MAA) – leading Capt (MAA) Wilson on his Birthday to the top of a 4000m peak
   Capt (MAA) Wilson – Ex NORSKI Nordic Foundation Capt (MAA) Wilson – Winter Mountain Foundation SIO Andy Phillips receiving Rodgers Award from General Bashall
Capt (MAA) G Webster RAPTC
2* Generals visiting Ballachulish has become somewhat frequent over the last few years. However, when 3* and indeed a 4* General wants to visit, now that is something
special and historic.
The team at JSMTW (Bal) have been preforming at a high level for a number of years and somehow, all the hard efforts managed to reach the dining table of the Chief of the General Staff (CGS). General Sir Carter KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen, was intrigued and wanted to visit our Adventurous Training centre located in the West Highlands of Scotland. After much dialog with his outer office, a visit date was set.
CGS’s visit to Ballachulish was to coincide with the Edinburgh Tattoo. During this period, CGS was hosting Gen Milley, 39th Chief of Staff of the US Army. Our American counterparts have always been intrigued by the benefits of Adventurous Training so Gen Milley decided he wanted to visit also.
After much co-ordination with MAs, special agents, aviation experts and local authorities the visit programme was complete. The Generals’ arrived and were greeted by members of ATG (A) and JSMTC. After an initial brief by Comd ATG (A) and CO JSMTC. The Generals’ were introduced to students’ undergoing training at JSMTW (Bal). Members of the Ice Maidens and the Ghurkha’s on
Everest expedition also briefed the Generals’ before they departed by helicopter.
Overall this visit was a great historical success for JSMTW(Bal) and visits of this magnitude do not happen overnight and a special well deserved ‘Thank You’ must go to SSgt (SSI) Mayled who’s planning and co-ordination was meticulous throughout.
Capt (MAA) Webster with CGS and Gen Milley, COS US Army

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