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WO2 (QMSI) K Noteyoung RAPTC – TDT Senior Analyst
Training Development Team (TDT)... ‘What is it and what do they do?’ Good question and one that regularly arises! Well, TDT is a department within HQ RAPTC that is responsible for setting the requirement for all PT and PTI Career Courses, as well as 69 Adventurous Training Courses; thereby ensuring that individuals are suitably trained for every aspect of their role (or job). We work closely with the Research & Development (R&D) Cell and collaborate with both of the Course Design Cells (CDCs) at ASPT and JSMTC, ensuring that any updates or amendments to training or policy are correctly reflected in the respective training solution. The way we achieve this is by applying the Defence Systems Approach to Training (DSAT). DSAT, as articulated in JSP 822, is a foreign language to most but an excellent framework which ensures we get the most from training.
I know it’s a little cliché to say that ‘the year has flown by’, but it genuinely has and what a challenging and extremely turbulent, yet exciting, period it has been. In Apr 17 we said farewell to Maj (MAA) Rab Lundie as OC TDT for over 2 years and welcomed Major (MAA) Chris Deed who took command of the team. During the same month we also welcomed a new analyst into the fold – SSgt (SSI) John Marshall. Almost simultaneously to all this was the change-over of the Trade Specialist Advisor (TSA), which said farewell to WO1 (SMI) Steve Green (now Capt (MAA)) and welcome to WO1 (SMI) Dusty Miller, who has since left the Army! On behalf of the team we would like to wish Dusty and his family all the best for the future. From the get-go, we were stuck into the development of Programme Training Human Optimisation for Readiness (THOR) and all the intricate projects that come with it. Developing PTI capability has been at the forefront of the team’s focus. A huge amount of time and effort went into the ‘new look’ AAPTI Course, which went live in Jan 18 and the updated RAPTC Instructor Course went live in Apr 18. A number of Regional Study Periods have taken place throughout TY 17/18 to update PTIs on Programme THOR and the Army Physical Training System (APTS); further up-skill training is due to take place throughout TY 18/19 in the form of the PTI Technical Deficit Training Course.
WO2 (QMSI) K Noteyoung RAPTC – Battlefield Study Italy
In addition, TDT have revitalised the External Validation (ExVal) process for all sponsored courses, which means that we are now starting to receive some excellent feedback from those customers and practitioners that are at the coal face. ExVal paves the way for change, so if you are invited to participate in an ExVal for a particular course, I urge you to be as open and honest as possible and provide constructive feedback, which in turn will enable us to identify a need for change and make the relevant recommendations for training.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my 2 years in TDT, it is an exciting time for the RAPTC and I look forward to my final 12 months in the job. I’ll admit that
upon initial assessment, TDT does not seem that appealing to some, but honestly, don’t make the mistake of ‘judging a book by its cover.’ TDT is a vibrant, enjoyable place to work and offers so many rewards in terms of development and job satisfaction. The benefits completely outweigh any of the perceived negatives! Over the past 12-18 months we have witnessed an increase in focus and attention directed at TDT from many RAPTCIs, be it

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