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  round packages. In April 2016 the wing changed its title to the Adventurous Training Foundation Wing (Inverness) under the newly Re-Subordinated Adventurous Training Foundation Centre (ATFC).
So what does ATFW (I) do differently? Our courses are designed to challenge both mind and body. Course focus is on the individual with three key learning themes; coping strategies, core values and leadership. It’s less about the activity and more about the individual and their development. Importance is placed on decision-making, values and standards and team cohesion, the activity is just a vessel to facilitate this. Royal Military Academy Sandhurst have repeatedly utilised the wing as a tool to develop not only their own recruits but potential officer cadets through the Leadership Development Course Programme (LDC).
Geographically, the centre is situated within the heart of the Scottish Highlands and within 40 minutes of the Cairngorms National Park. The location of ATFW (I) provides an excellent opportunity to test student’s ability on all our summer activities which are conducted over 11 days, but also on our shorter but still demanding winter packages which are conducted over 5 days.
The activities that we conduct are: Climbing (RSF), Mountain Biking (MBF), Kayaking (K2F), Canoeing (O2F), Summer Mountaineering (SMF), and an introduction to Winter Mountaineering (IWM). All courses are designed to deliver to groups of 6 students per activity and are block booked by individual units via the defence gateway, through the JSAT courses unit booking tab on the ATG website ( All equipment, instructors, transport, accommodation and feeding is provided. Getting personnel from your unit on to ATFW (I) courses could not be easier, the hardest part is the drive here!
Cyprus Rock Climbing
SSgt (SSI) G Charlton RAPTC
I’m asked similar questions from potential instructors and aspiring ATI’s all of the time; Do they have enough experience? Where will they be posted? Will I live in a snow hole? Do you ever visit cafes...
The work really varies from one AT posting to another, but you never find yourself doing too much of the same thing. One week you could be mountaineering in North Wales the next you could be paddling in the Alps. For most, activities are dependent on the conditions or seasonal however JSMTC deliver all year round. So when times are good they are great but when times are hard, we are out in all conditions. With that said days can be long and hard but rewarding. And it is ok to have coffee and cake, as long as what needs doing is done!
A lot of time is invested in the growth and continuous development of our instructors; Resilience Margins are designed to bridge the gap between Class One training and give instructors a base of
SSgt Charton Winter Training
qualifications and knowledge required for their first posting, which contributes to deployability. Mission Critical Training qualifies and develops staff throughout their careers, e.g. Skiing, Mountaineering, Paddling Mountain First Aid or the Advanced Avalanche Course. Staying current whilst gaining valuable logbook experience is also important especially if you want to progress through the various schemes which are often civilian accredited.
Working for JSMTC means you have the opportunity to work alongside some of the best and most experienced Instructors there are, which means sharing best practice and co-delivering is invaluable. Having all these opportunities and helping others grow on a daily basis makes me realise how fortunate we really are.
Adventurous Training and Personal Development
Over the past 10 years, AT across the Joint Services has evolved somewhat, with the JSAT scheme giving much more clarity and a progressive pathway for our instructors. This resulting in a firmer grasp of the latest personal development tools and coaching models that is pertinent to our growth and professional development across the military.
Our customers consist of Joint Services personnel, RAPTC Instructors course, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and soldiers deploying on Op Tosca as Instructors; all of which are on 5 day courses. The delivery of training consists of several elements and is based around 3 main pillows; core values, leadership and coping strategies. Our instructors will facilitate an experience, which will require students to plan and put skills into practice whilst working together to achieve the best possible outcome. Throughout this process, areas that need development are identified and drawn out during the review, which takes place at the end of each day.

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