Page 149 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 149

WO2 (QMSI) S Pollock RAPTC
The RAPTC Rowing Club has grown from strength to strength over the last 12 months. We have developed our crews both on the water and off and increased our RAPTCI participation in the sport. The start of the season saw the team compete in the Abingdon Head of River. It’s a fairly busy event with over 100 boats making their way up the narrow River Thames. This also saw a Corps first when 5 RAPTCIs got the opportunity to represent the Army in the double and single scull events.
Last year we developed our first crew at an Army led learn to row course; this year saw the RAPTC deliver its very own learn to row course. It was a mixed week with fellow RAPTCIs having to learn difficult skills in heavy wind and rain, but as true apostles they continued to learn with a hugely infectious positive attitude and even managed to coax the sun out.
The season continued to grow as the RAPTC RC became more familiar with rowing etiquette and the processes required to become more successful. As a team we organised the Army Regatta on behalf of Army Rowing Club. The competition proved that our development was indeed on track as we were very successful in all categories. The team walked away with 8 x 1st place finishes and 4 x 2nd place finishes.
As a team our sights were set on the big boat, the 8, although none of us had ever been in one before! You’ve seen them on TV, the famous Oxford vs Cambridge boat race or even at its highest accolade, the British Rowing Team competing at the Olympics. That’s what we wanted, one team, one goal, every rower’s individual ability tested but only when everyone is together do we achieve it. Our team’s main ambition was to be faster than the
RAPTC 4x compete at Abingdon Head
  RAPTC Represent Army at Abingdon
RAPTC 4+ 2000m winners
   RAPTC Led LTR Course RAPTC AR Final Haul RAPTC Trg Camp
 RAPTC Rowing to Victory

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