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     RAPTC 8+ Rowing to victory RAPTC 8+ Prize giving RAPTC RC Prize haul
RAF and the Royal Navy at the Joint Services Regatta. To ensure we were successful we embarked on a training camp to Cardiff. What a week, 3 sessions a day with top class coaching, we even managed to beat a local University team in the process.
The big day was finally upon us, the big race, the Joint Services Regatta at Reading on 28 Sep 17. The culmination of our years training was to be tested. As the day progressed we had some tough races against a well drilled Royal Navy team and all our rowers kept coming 2nd or 3rd. The longer this went on the more the fatigue crept in and doubt. Finally, the team had some great news our Novice Wintech double had won, SSgt (SSI) Potter RAPTC and Sgt (SI) Cilliers RAPTC managed to dominate the rounds and complete a tight performance to take the victory.
The final race of the military season was now upon us, we had already made it into the RAPTC History books by being the first
ever RAPTC 8+ to compete at a Regatta. Coxed by Maj Cas Wootten Royal Signals, her firm tone was just what the fatigued crew needed to regain composure. The race started, it wasn’t smooth, but we were off. As each stroke went by we started getting it together, the training was taking control and before long we could see our oppositions off our bow side. Collectively, we kept working hard, kept grinding out each stroke trying to improve the gap as we raced ourselves proudly into Corps history as the first ever RAPTC 8+ to win the Novice 8+ Category against the RAF and Royal Navy. A strip worn by our youngest member, Sgt (SI) Charlton RAPTC, was donated to the RAPTC Museum to commemorate the day and there it sits proudly as a permanent memory of our success.
For any RAPTCI wishing to try a new sport and join the RAPTC Rowing Club please contact the team captain:
WO2 (QMSI) Southern-Naylor RAPTC at HQ RAPTC R+D Cell
SSgt (SSI) A Stoby RAPTC
The last twelve months has seen many changes within the RAPTC SRA, with two of the three key appointments changing hands. The previous Chairman Capt (MAA) Young handed the mantle to Capt (MAA) Windard and the Secretary SSgt (SSI) Read (promoted WO2) handing over to myself. Having both contributed immensely, driving the sport within the Corps; the bar had been set high.
On our first gathering under new management, the President (Maj (MAA) J Hughes) and the Chairman set their intent. Both the A and B team were to be promoted within their respective divisions at the Army Inter Corps Squash Championships. Like all good stories, this was the case and all members of both teams should be congratulated for their dedication and commitment at the training camps laid on prior. Success at these competitions is not a fluke, competing against the very best amongst other sizable cap badges. The A team won Division 2, promoting back to Division 1, and the B team came second to a very strong Infantry team in Division 3, promoting to Division 2 for the first time.
Credit must also be given to WO2 (QMSI) Carey for organising a fantastic overseas tour of Cyprus. Flights booked, accommodation
booked, beach booked and matches organised, and there was nothing left to do for the selected team other than turn up at Brize to depart. The tour started with a mandatory Island brief; hire cars were then collected and the first of many training sessions conducted. With performances directly relating to your seeding on the upcoming matches, the rivalry was fierce. Once seeding was confirmed, the focus was firmly on the three upcoming matches. Against the RAF Island team, Army Island and the Cyprus select team. The results were varied and we chalked one win out of the three matches.
Using the momentum from the Cyprus tour SSgt ‘Dave’ Read sowed the seed for the next tour to Thailand. And with a Warning Order in the pipeline his vision will soon be a reality. Exciting times, with the aim being to introduce novices amongst the RAPTC to the demands of squash IOT strengthen the team for future success. Any interested Corps men or women should make themselves known to SSgt (SSI) Stoby 16 Signal Regiment in the first instance.
   RAPTC Squash Team – Success RAPTC Squash team, post RAF Island Match RAPTC Squash Team Officers Mess – Cyprus

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