Page 19 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 19

  On Fri 21 Apr 17, I completed my final Commanding Officer’s PT session at the Royal Armoured Centre Training Regiment, Bovington and said goodbye to the Regiment.
On Mon 24 Apr 17, I walked into Montgomery House, Aldershot to start my assignment as SMI PD in Regional Command. Walking onto the floor plate for the first time was like a baptism of fire. Gone was the tranquillity of my own office, the buzz of an energetic gymnasium and the blue tops of my gym staff, all had been replaced by a sea of MTP. Worse still, within minutes of my arrival I had met my match in talking in the shape of Maj (Retd) Tony “Sharky” Phinn.
After a strong cup of coffee, several deep breaths and my first exploration around Montgomery House, my first day anxiety levels temporarily subsided. That was until, SO2 PD, Maj (MAA) Field RAPTC, held his weekly PD Branch meeting. It was during this meeting that Maj Field started to highlight the complexities and magnitude of working in a 2* Headquarters. My only saving grace was that I had three allies in the shape of Warrant Officers Carl Bennett and Daz O’Donnell and the civilian PD Branch clerk Jana Bridziková.
My first task was to finalise the delivery of Wattbikes to all the Reserve sites within 4 and 7 Inf Bde. Thankfully, the previous SMI PD, now Capt (MAA) S Jackson RAPTC, had done the vast majority of the hard work. With the delivery of 362 Wattbikes
across all Army Reserve Centres (ARC) along with an estimated 10,000 items of Physical Training Equipment (PTE), my next mission became apparent – to devise a method of capturing and accounting for all PTE held on account across the Field Army and ARCs. Therefore, after weeks of investigating different workable options and exploiting excel V Lookups, formulas and drop-down boxes the PTE Asset Management System (AMS) was created. The PTE AMS was aligned with the PTE required to deliver Programme THOR/APTS and new a PTE scaling; both of which were developed by a working partnership between HQ RAPTC and Regional Command. The introduction of the PTE AMS has allowed Regional Command greater governance and supports financial forecasting.
Other strands of work that I have been involved with are the PTE Maintenance contract, an Army Reserve Centre/site infrastructure review, the procurement and delivery of the new Physical Employment Standards PTE, presenting on Regional Study Periods and FISS 2 database matters. One for my favourite projects was conducting the over 35 A3 trial for the Home Command HQ Outer Office. Lt Gen Bashall CBE and 18 of his staff under took the 12 week training programme and the PFA. I am pleased to report that not only did the Corps Colonel Commandant pass, but he warranted enough points to be awarded his 300 Club T-shirt. Fashion changes, standards don’t!
However, the highlight of my year was being selected to play in a Technogym football competition. The event was held in the hallowed ground of Stamford Bridge, home to Chelsea FC. Despite being a Liverpool fan, I felt flattered not only to grace the fantastic playing surface, in a superb stadium, but I got changed in Eden Hazard’s locker area.
As my assignment comes to a close and a new chapter of my military career commences, I will draw on the experiences and knowledge I have gained from my time in Regional Command. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and will look back with fond memories. I would like to thank all past and present members of team for their support and assistance during my brief tenure.
  SMI Paton at Stamford Bridge
Another full house at Stamford Bridge
 Lt Gen Bashall CB CBE and others receiving their 300 Club T-Shirt

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