Page 36 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
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WO2 (QMSI) G Bloomer RAPTC
Upon completing my Regular Service in May 2017, I was offered the opportunity to take up the RAPTCI role at the 4th Bn, The Yorkshire Regiment. As this fitted with my plans for
Civvy Strasse and being geographically local, I directly transferred and was soon on a steep learning curve with regards to how the Reserves work and the role of an embedded RAPTCI. In a nutshell myself, and the Unit have both been learning rapidly, ably assisted by other ex Regular RAPTCI’s already carrying out the RAPTCI role at other Reserve Units. Key PD events included assisting ‘Executive
Stretch’ – civilian employer engagement, providing a PD stand at the Great Yorkshire Show, Annual Battle Camp delivering MATTs and ETL courses. Those that know me, will also be unsurprised to learn I have provided AT Exercises in Mountain Biking and the first Army (Regular or Reserve) Rock Climbing exped to Sardinia. All in all a pretty busy year for a part time job but a hugely enjoyable one both personally and professionally. To all RAPTCIs who might be considering the Reserves upon the completion of their Service, my advice would be to go for it, what have you got to lose?
   WO2 (QMSI) Bloomer – CALA Gonone Ex Yorkshire Explorer WO2 (QMSI) Bloomer – Ex Yorkshire Summet
SSgt (SSI) J Bloomer RAPTC
21 Engineer Regiment was awarded the Major Unit Sports Trophy, at the Army Sports Awards, held at RMAS. The 4th Annual Sports Trophy, which was presented by CGS General
Sir Nicholas Carter KCB CBE DSO ADC, recognises and awards points for team and individual success throughout the year. This year, 81 Units entered from 1st Nov 16 – 30th Sept 17 and the Regiment successfully took the title with a lead of 70 points.
The Royal Engineers (RE) are conducting a Corps British
Army Warrior Fitness (BAWF) competition, with competitions being held at various Engineer Units across the country. The first RE BAWF was held at Claro Barracks in January 18; the events consisted of rope climbing, running, rowing and other various functional exercise. The Unit was triumphant and took the win.
Lt Col Hughes (CO), LCpl Ransome, Spr Ward, SSgt (SSI) Bloomer and WO1 (RSM) Clark receiving the Major Units Sports Trophy
Sgt Fitzmaurice completes his turn of Push Press
Op Trenton 4 – UK Task force in South Sudan, is made up 127 personnel from the Unit. Tasks are various with all the Engineers being put to use. Tasks range from establishing HLS sites to enable essential helicopter operations, installing Air Condition Units and upgrading force protection areas along the River Nile. At the half way point of the tour, the Regiment looks to being reunited late July. Post July, the Regiment will expand with the addition of 29 Squadron, who will arrive from Germany. Thus the Regiment turns to a Strike Force Unit.

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