Page 80 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 80

SSgt (SSI) D Parish RAPTC
  CO’s Comp
Coy PT at the TLC
SSgt (SSI) L Brimble RAPTC
It only seems like yesterday I was submitting my 2017 MBS article and in the blink of an eye another year has flown by and now it is my final
To finish a busy 2017, it was a privilege and honour to receive a phone call on Boxing Day from our Commanding Officer to say that I had been awarded
6 months with the Regiment. I am apprehensive about finding out where I will go next and I suppose it will always be hard leaving a Regiment that you have enjoyed serving with but I must move on and broaden my experiences. My ambition is to work with an infantry unit next and 1 Royal Welsh is top of the list on my preferences. My posting preferences have been submitted and I am now just waiting
to see how the dice will roll.
It has been another fantastic but busy year here at 1RHA with many changes to the Regiment happening over the last year. The unit is part of 2020 refine and this means some big changes for the Regiment with 2 Sub Units (H Bty and L Bty) being amalgamated with other regiments. The Regiment is due to move to Larkhill in 2019 and will share a newly built double floor Gymnasium similar to the Garrison Super Gymnasium here in Tidworth.
SSgt (SSI) Brimble Receiving GOCs Commendation from Lt Gen Bashall CB CBE
a GOCs commendation and
that it was going to be presented by Lieutenant General James Bashall CBE. This award could have only been achieved with the support of the Regiment and my team of AAPTIs who have supported my passion for Health, Fitness and Sport. My final year with the Regiment has also been spent preparing the Regiment for United Kingdom Standby Battalion (UKSB) which is due to commence Apr 18. The Regiment is the first non-Infantry unit to be given the UKSB tasking. We have adapted the Army Physical Training system in periodised blocks and are employing the Army Physical Training methodology. This training in the build up to UKSB has been very progressive starting relatively easy establishing movement patterns and building general fitness; this finalised with some pertinent strenuous PT. I truly believe that this has reduced injuries and improved fitness. Some people weren’t keen on the changes but once educated they start to
   1RHA PTI Team
AAPTI Pass Off 23 Mar 18 at Fox Lines

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