Page 81 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
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  see and feel the benefits. The Regiment are now fully fit, physically robust and ready to complete the UKSB tasking.
The Regiment has had a great year of sporting success from grass roots sport representation all the way to representing national sides at Rugby, Boxing, TOW and Triathlon. Being a keen sportsman I have tried to reinvigorate sports here and at the Regiment and they have fully supported my ambitions. On arriving at the Regiment, I set up (with the support of the CO) an Annual Sports Competition called the Moore Trophy which incorporates various sporting competitions (Football, TOW, Boxing, Volleyball, Fittest Soldier) and some Physical Development competitions to boost the health and fitness of the Regiment. The PD competitions comprised of AT attendance, PD qualifications held by the sub unit (PTI, ETL, Coaching and AT Qualifications) and sports representation at various levels from representing the Regiment to representing your country.
Overall it has been a fantastic and enjoyable final year at 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery and good luck to all those that have aspirations to serve with this fine Regiment.
SSgt (SSI) LP Baldwin & SSgt (SSI) JL Kerman RAPTC
29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery are the Commando trained element of the Royal Artillery which is supported by fellow Commando trained RLC and REME attachments who
are based in the Royal Citadel – Plymouth.
The regiment serves as a part of 3 Commando Brigade and their primary role is to serve as part of an amphibious force. The RAPTCIs within 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery are SSgt Baldwin and SSgt Kerman (ERI) who provide all PD aspects in order to maintain the units high readiness state all year round.
This year has been as busy as always for such a robust unit between high profile exercises in Norway, sailing on board ship serving as embarked forces on Royal Navy ship – Joint Expeditionary Force Maritime which is a NATO wide exercise combined with numerous land exercises around the UK.
SSgt (SSI) Kerman RAPTC had a very promising year of Rugby League as he competed at the Armed Forces World Cup in Sydney, Australia. He represented UKAF Rugby League against Australia and New Zealand. The team eventually finished 3rd place in the World Cup.
The Potential Commando Trained Programme is now a more constructive and progressive build-up of fitness which culminates in a week 4 assessment both in house and deployed on exercise
at Okehampton training camp. This is designed to test their skills of section battle drills, navigation, and administration in the field when exposed to harsh training conditions. During the 4 weeks there are physical test standards which all Potential Commandos must pass in order to progress to the Commando Training Centre Lympstone. Once there, they are assessed over a 2 day period to test their suitability to attend the 13 week All Arms Commando course. Upon completion, the candidates will receive the coveted Green Beret and become a part of the Commando brotherhood.
Recruitment has been a big drive through phase 2 establishments. 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery played host to 24 Battery – Larkhill. They were given an insight into life within 3 Commando Brigade and how we conduct our business. They conducted a survival stand, boat drills, ropes and regains, an introduction to Bottom Field Obstacle course, an introduction to the Royal Marines Combat Swim test and an equipment display.
Although a lot of emphasis is put into preparing potential commandos to complete the All Arms Commando Course and prepare Commando Trained personnel for deployments, we still find time to represent the Regiment and Corps in various sporting and adventurous pursuits.
29 Commando Regiment RA Snowboard team led by SSgt (SSI) Kerman RAPTC competed at the RA championships in January
Bdr Dainton (International Rugby), LBdr Edwards (Army Rugby) Sgt Fulton, LBdr Gray and LBdr Williams (Army 7s Rugby) Capt Grantham (GB Masters Triathlon)
   PCPT Rope Regain SSgt Kerman – Firemans Carry Rugby League

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