Page 84 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
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  Ibadged into the RAPTC in 2011 after my initial training at the ASPT rehabilitation, which led me to be posted into a wide range of Exercise Instructor (ERI) posts. This was an enjoyable
and rewarding experience however this gave me no preparation for a posting into a regiment like 9 Regiment Royal Logistics Corps as a Staff Sergeant Instructor (SSI). Initially I was anxious as I have had little to no experience of being a SSI due to all my experience being gained in the ERI world. These feelings quickly faded as I got my claws into ‘mainstream’ business.
9 Regiment RLC is a high readiness unit that is under the command of HQ 104 Log Brigade. The unit must always be prepared to react to any task assigned and be at a constant readiness for current operations to deliver success on current and future operations. It has been an incredibly busy year for 9 Regt RLC, with soldiers deploying overseas on exercises or operations such as Op SHAMEL STORM, Op SHADER, Op RUMAN, Op TRENTON and Op SAIF SAREEA.
To facilitate this, it is my job to design a Physical Training Programme for the Regiment’s deployments whilst implementing programme THOR. One of my first priorities at the Regiment was to implement and improve the rehabilitation to re-conditioning pathway, so that soldiers can get back to medically fully deployable (MFD) quickly. On arrival the Regiment had one third of its soldiers downgraded. This needed to be addressed since manning for deployments is a Mission Essential Task (MET) to the Commanding Officer. With the backing of the Commanding Officer, alterations to PT timings and PTI to soldier ratios, the Regiment slowly started to buy back into fitness. This was due to the gymnasium having a more focussed, more relevant and structured Physical Training Programme.
A keen rugby player himself, the Commanding Officer has rapidly developed his Regiment into one that is excelling on the sporting front. With minimum manning the Regiment has still been able to compete at very high levels in many different sporting events. This year has seen the Regiment become champions in many sports. 9 RLC are inter Unit Champions at Female Athletics, Netball, Water Polo, Road/Combined Cycling, Female Swimming, Table Tennis and they currently have an unbeaten rugby team. The men’s Cross-Country Ski Team also fought hard and achieved 3rd overall in the RLC championships. This has qualified them for the Army championships later in the year. During all this the Regiment has managed to win the 104 Log Support Brigade Festival for Sport and then won the Female Gore trophy.
9 RLC also hosts a couple of superstars within the ranks. LCpl Fern Davies, an international netball player, has been playing
for Wales since joining the Army. This year with the support of the CO and the RAPTCI she has been given time to focus on strength and conditioning with the Welsh team. LCpl Davies has been thoroughly committed to the training and was selected to represent Wales in the Commonwealth Games held in Australia later this year.
Pte Owens is another one of the Regiment’s rising stars and is currently the Army Power Lifting Champion in her weight category. She currently competes nationally and is hoping to win a place on the GB squad this year to compete in the European and World Championships. She has also gained a nomination for RLC Sports Woman of the Year.
Even with all this success the Regiment have still been able to get Service Personnel out the door on Adventurous Training consisting of, Op NOBLE JUMP (skiing) and Op MOUNTAIN PANTHER (mountain biking) providing soldiers with new ways to take themselves out of their comfort zones whilst having fun. They have also sent a team on Ex Cambrian Patrol where they have been awarded a bronze medal for their efforts. The Gymnasium also hosted Bristol City Rovers U19 squad for a command and leadership day, which involved everything from time on the Drill Square to the Gun Run and Assault Course.
Overall the last year within 9 RLC has brought many different challenges, however it has also seen success in all areas of the PT and sporting fronts. This is just the beginning of what I hope to achieve within this Regiment and I look forward to an equally successful second year here.
SSgt (SSI) K Price RAPTC
    Ex Mountain Panther Pte Owens – Powerlifting Visit from Major General Urch

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