Page 86 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 86

  Having arrived earlier than originally expected in preparation for EX MAYAN STORM in Belize, I was quickly exposed to the diversity of tasks associated with serving at a Guards
Battalion on the ‘Blue Line’. It was interesting to see how quickly
SSgt (SSI) Bailey conducting acclimatisation training
focus switched from State Ceremonials to Infantry Soldiering – Literally overnight! A 6 week deployment in Central America so soon after my arrival was the best thing that could have happened. I got to know the Battalion and they got to know me. Trying to add variety to the ‘Recommended’ acclimatisation PT was a big challenge but it was received well by all. During my time out there, I was lucky enough to join the Battalion Headquarters and other attached arms in a section on the initial survival package of the exercise. This was designed to introduce the Guardsmen to Jungle Warfare and prepare them for what was to come in the latter phases of their Jungle training. As much as I enjoyed living rough for a few days, I won’t hide the fact that my next task of conducting the AT recce came at the perfect time.
On our return, the Battalion were thrown straight back into life on the ‘Blue Line’ and another eye opener for me as to just how man power intensive the commitment is. However, the feel for PT across the unit seemed to be changing. A successful early trial of the APTS was very well received by all levels after a structured PTP was implemented. This coincided with a revamp of the Rehab policy. Investing in a full-time rehab platoon has already seen huge improvements in the numbers following the pathway all the way back to full fitness.
The focus now switches to the Queen’s Birthday Parade in June, where the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards will be trooping the colour. The challenge now is to adapt the PTP to allow the Guardsmen to prepare for their big day whilst maintaining physical readiness for the impending move back to 11X early next year.
SSgt (SSI) G Baily RAPTC
  Enjoying some well earnt rest

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