Page 56 - RAPTC Year of 2019
P. 56

  Life within HQ 7 Inf Bde and HQ EAST is not all A&I (it just seems that way sometimes!). Whilst there are the usual work strands that a busy Bde handles on a daily/weekly
basis, Capt (MAA) Wilson has ensured that with careful planning (and an experience and highly capable QMSI to hold the fort) the opportunity to participate in various Triathlon/Skiing/Cycling expeditions/training camps still looms large and must be taken.
The so what? Those individuals who are aspiring to move on up the promotion ladder and even Commission, this hopefully goes to show that it’s not all desk work.
Capt (MAA) Wilson Ex Pipedown – View
from the office WO2 (QMSI) Head Deskbound
If you can work within the wider Army, do so – time outside of MTP will come around all too soon and there’s no such thing as a Sports Afternoon in CivDiv!
After this current climate with COVID-19 has passed, I may try and engage more with some training camps myself, although I will have an Army Cyclist as an SO3 by then, so maybe it will be BAU for me!
Another day, another empty desk!
Capt (MAA) M Wilson RAPTC and WO2 (QMSI) R Head RAPTC
    This year at 1 Rifles the Battalion has been extremely busy having deployed on Op TORRIL early May 2019. With the introduction of PES, the pre-deployment training insured all Riflemen were at a good start state. During the tour the Battalion began testing the new SCR and utilised it as designed to establish where the Battalion required attention ready for the RFT(S) on returning from tour. During the Tour SSgt (SSI) Bruce arranged several charity events, from Cycling large distances, to a 24hr MURPH challenge
On returning from tour, most of the unit went on some well- deserved R&R. however, the Company boxing teams started training in preparation for the Inter Coy boxing competition held annually in De-cember. Again SSgt (SSI) Bruce arranged an outstanding event that builds every year.
In December the Battalion Nordic Ski team deployed on the annual Ski camp and demonstrated how versatile the unit is with the following results
• 2nd place at the Infantry Championships.
• 3rd Place at the Divisional Championships. • 4th Place at the National Championships
Three members of the team have also been invited to GB development team trials. Cpl Hillier, Cpl Wiseman (AAPTI) and Cpl Young (AAPTI)
In January 2020, SSgt (SSI) R Blake took up the role as the new 1 Rifles RAPTCI. Immediately ar-ranging for the Battalion to begin RFT(S) testing. We also received a visit from Ex heavy weight Champion of the world Frank Bruno MBE
SSgt (SSI) R Blake RAPTC
   SSgt Bruce and members of the team
Cpl Wiseman leading the team
SSgt Blake and Frank Bruno MBE

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