Page 55 - RAPTC Year of 2019
P. 55
SSgt (SSI) M Hanson RAPTC
The Light Dragoons Gymnasium this year has had a variety of jobs and tasks to keep the department busy. Aside from day to day delivery of the Regimental PT programme the Gym has helped support the sporting events of the Army in the North. Events such as UK North X Country on the 23rd Jan, with well over 100 competitors in attendance and British Army Warrior Fitness event on the 20th Feb with over 15 teams taking part.
After two successful pre-courses conducted by the Gym the Unit managed to successfully load 4 JNCOs onto the AAPTI course. Now freshly qualified and back into the fold of Regi-mental life the newly qualified AAPTI’s are delivering PT to a high standard and with plenty of confidence!
On a personal note and keeping me busy has been the organisation of a Unit Triathlon sports tour to Mallorca in September 2019. Taking along several members of HQ SQN including myself, HQ Sqn Ldr Maj Stott, RSM WO1 Buchan, RDMI SSgt Costello and Cpl Stevenson. It was half ironman distance event called Challenge Paguera. All members performed well at the triathlon and then enjoyed a couple of well-deserved days in the Mallorca sunshine to rest and recuperate!
With the implementation of the new RFT(S) test in October 2019, the Gym Staff have been delivering plenty of preparation training to get the Regiment ready to tackle the new stand-ards. There was some apprehension but after several tests the standards have been met with good reviews and pass rates!
More work to be done in the future with the Regiment deploying to both Mali and Poland in 2020. Another busy year ahead!