Page 76 - RAPTC Year of 2019
P. 76

Four years have now elapsed in post as the Brigade QMSI PD, and I am on my third SO3, Capt (MAA) Pollock RAPTC who has been in post almost a year now. The time has just flown
past which is very scary. In all honesty, this is a brilliant and highly rewarding position, albeit very busy and challenging in terms of the many outputs we deliver. We have 24 talented and motivated RAPTCIs’ both regular and reserve and an abundance of AAPTI’s that deliver first class PD to their respective units across the West Midlands. The support we provide them is very well received and valued by the CoC both at Unit and Brigade level alike.
Brigade life continues to be extremely diverse and not just PD focused. For example, as well as delivering the numerous routine PD outputs, we found ourselves involved in UK Ops (TEMPERER and BOOMSTER), Bde MRX and our latest Op, (OP RESCRIPT) which is to provide Military support to Government departments.
As a Branch, we continue to promote all aspects of PD which is supported from the top down. We have witnessed first-hand how committed the CoC are at all levels to improve non-attendance, MATT 2 testing and provide support to injured or deconditioned SP. This year’s main PD focus was to support the Centenary of the Royal Signals where there was a plethora of sporting events all over the world which have had to be put on hold due to COVID19. But fingers crossed we still may get SO3 into lycria as the events planned are cycling based and not rowing.
UK Midlands Sport continues to grow, in the last year we delivered two UKMSB meetings and numerous sporting events. This is due to the many committed and passionate personnel from the RAPTC and other Corps that go the extra mile to promote sport at all levels. Athletics, BAWF, football, volleyball, basketball and golf continue to be well promoted, whilst other sports such as climbing, and TOW have also had a resurgence which is great to see. The SO3 thanks all personnel that put in the extra effort and time to develop Sport in order that SP of all ranks benefit from the positive elements it offers,
MS and assurance are the most important and time-consuming aspect of the Brigade PD role, involving Regular and Reserve unit visits either formally or informally, creating relationships with PD staff and the CoC. So, it was extremely rewarding and an enormous congratulations to have SSgt White selected for promotion to WO2 this year.
In addition to the many outputs, and to remain fit, focussed and mentally resilient, this has been a great season for me and the SO3 as it means we have had an enhanced training focus and more time in the saddle, especially over the winter where we both put in the miles in preparation to represent Royal Signals during their Centenary. Several sports events are planned to take place towards the end of this year. A massive congratulations the SO3 having had a good season participating in the Army Indoor Rowing League and competing in the World Champs in France where the team had successes on the podium.
In closing, the role as the Brigade QMSI PD continues to be very rewarding, there is nothing better than providing clarity and guidance to queries from RAPTCIs or Units either via email or over the phone. Just the simple thanks and acknowledgement for taking the time to provide them detailed guidance and support is reward enough for me, and I look forward to doing so for many years to come.
 Capt (MAA) S Pollock RAPTC
After a thorough,
yet eager to leave,
handover from Capt
Stu Jackson, a sincere
thank you; I have found
myself being exposed to
the daily SO3 marathon
that just never stops. It’s
hard to believe that almost
a year has gone. The
learning curve has been a vertical climb which has been extremely useful and needed for my new life on the ‘other side’. I have been both guided and put ‘back in my box’ by WO2 (QMSI) Dean Foley almost daily and appreciate every assistance which he has provided me. Here’s to another fast year within an awesome AOR surrounded by fantastic RAPTCIs.
 Capt Jackson & Capt Pollock
 SSgt (SSI) D Gledhill RAPTC
 Gym Staff – Back Row: LCpl Deans LCpl Westgate LCpl Tilley LCpl Bishop LCpl Nendick LCpl Sokee Front Row: SSgt (SSI) Potter SSgt (SSI) Carter SSgt (SSI) Gledhill Tactical PT – Soldiers from 16th Signal Regiment on CO’s PT

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