Page 32 - Cormorant 2019
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The Army Dinner Lt Col Peter Hale
226 MEMBERS OF THE JSCSC Officers’ Mess enjoyed a fabulous evening of music, food, wine and good company at the Army
Dinner night on 7 February. The event started with a cocktail reception in the Forum, with a superb musical display from the
Pipes and Drums of 19 Regiment Royal Artillery. Some historic hardware was on show in the form of an 18 lb cannon and two 81mm mortars, and the tracked Warthog armoured vehicle caused only minor damage to the grass on approach to the college main entrance...
This was a guest dinner, so wives, husbands, partners and friends were welcomed to the mess to celebrate the traditions of the British Army. General and Lady Everard were the guests of honour, and the variety of mess kit on display perfectly demonstrated the diversity, regimental traditions and ethos that make the British Army what it is. There were no frills, speeches or comedic skits; just superb food, plenty of banter and free-flowing wine. The Mess Staff’s sterling work, as ever, helped make the evening
such a success and run so smoothly. The Dinner Committee’s hard work and attention to the details were also key to this being such a successful affair.
As with the other Single Service focussed Mess Dinner Nights, the Army Dinner was a fantastic opportunity to socialise with friends and colleagues, share dits, and celebrate the traditions of the soldiers, officers and Regiments of the British Army.

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