Page 73 - Cormorant 2019
P. 73

  Wg Cdr Jason Vaughan briefing his research conclusions to an IOD course
the ACSC 22 projects converged:
the impact of culture, the growing importance of information and diversity of thought were recurrent themes across the programme. This intersectionality drove a community of learning across the MRes cohort that served to
enrich each project. Beyond informal discussions, students were also offered the opportunity to share their research internally across JSCSC through a
series of ‘Lightning Talks’ and through
a research poster which summarised
the key conclusions of each researcher. External publication of research was also purposely designed into the project. Of the 25,000 word limit for the research portfolio, a significant portion was allocated to allow students to expose their ideas in short-form publically. By writing for a range of blogging platforms like ‘War on the Rocks’, ‘The Wavell Room’, and the King’s in-house site ‘Defence in Depth’ students tested their ideas in public and gained feedback to increase the overall depth and quality of their research. This, as well as the use of a novel e-portfolio submission system, replicated the character and reality of being a researcher in contemporary academia.
The MRes programme has many similarities to the traditional MA offered by King’s College. Students still receive an excellent grounding in international relations and the chance to dive deeply into operational case studies ranging from the pre-WW1 Anglo-German naval rivalry to our most recent experience
in Afghanistan. That said, gaining an MRes qualification was not intended
to be the only outcome of the scheme. Instead, it hopes to inspire a wider interest in research and encourage qualified researchers to continue to use their skills once they leave JSCSC.
Overall, the MRes programme has been an exciting and innovative opportunity for those on ACSC 22. While it allowed students to go much deeper into a chosen research topic, it also sought
to make the output of their work as accessible as possible. The MRes is one of several exciting initiatives which will be implemented over the next few years to further diversify the learning pathways offered by the College. While only a pilot this year, the traction the MRes has gained with the student body and the engagement it has generated outside the Defence Academy means it is absolutely here to stay.
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