Page 74 - Cormorant 2019
P. 74

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ACSC 22 Live Music: Rocking the 30%
Lt Col Stu MacCrimmon
THE RALLYING CALL WAS sent in September 2018 for able and willing musically inclined volunteers to come together and form the ACSC
Band. Take-up was far better than expected, with almost 20 Cormorants getting involved, from musicians to an
enthusiastic groupie. It was immediately obvious that the answer was to form two bands. With the name ‘Dead Prussians’ considered culturally insensitive, the punk rock group led by the
Collins family duo of Dave on rhythm guitar and Hayley on vocals formed West End Riot. Matt Dobney pressed bass guitar and vocals, Dave Riley the rhythm guitar and good looks, Si Brackstone the drums, and Bryn ‘Kerry King’ Kirkby was the eccentric axe slayer. Together, they delivered superb and pitch perfect punk rock rhythms.
Johari Window’s broader instrumental input led to a more random mix of styles and music. Sally Whitehall was the patient and committed mixing desk lead, with Amanda ‘Strubes’ Struby deftly managing events for both bands. Dave Iliffe and
     “Take-up was far better than expected,
with almost 20 Cormorants getting involved... ◆◆◆

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