Page 10 - Book 3 - (barcoded)
P. 10

The Wylder Valley
Charlie was a builder and had promised to deliver two job estimates to his customers: William Weasel and Cyril Rat. He kissed his wife goodbye at the front door, went through the garden gate into the meadow and set off for Barns Wood. He shivered in the mist, turned up his coat collar, and thrust his hands into his pockets.
'We're in for a hard winter,' remarked an elderly weasel walking past.
'Yes, you could be right,' Charlie smiled. 'Time for you to hurry home and warm up by the fire.'
William Weasel's home, smothered in shiny green ivy, sat at the base of a spreading birch tree in Barns Wood.
'Mr Rabbit is here,' shouted James Weasel, opening the door. 'Come in: Grandpa is in the kitchen.'
'Hello, Charlie. How are you?' asked William as he filled the kettle.
'I'm fine, thanks. I've brought the estimate you asked for. I'm not sure when I will be able to start on the bathroom.'
'No hurry, Charlie. We can manage, can't we Annie?' he said, turning to his daughter.
William shared his home with Annie and his three grandsons. He'd recently retired from gardening to look after the boys while Annie worked in the delicatessen.
Charlie chatted to William as he warmed his hands beside a wood burning stove.
'My brother, Rowley is living nearby. You remember, Charlie. He used to live on the other side of the valley. Now

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