Page 11 - Book 3 - (barcoded)
P. 11

The Wylder Valley 9
we can spend more time together as we grow old,' chuckled William.
Charlie smiled and stood up. 'I wonder if the mist has lifted?' he said.
He glanced out of the kitchen window. 'Gracious me! It's worsened since I left home. I doubt many folks are walking around in this weather,' he declared. 'I'll have to go. I have an estimate to deliver to Cyril Rat.'
'That's handy, Charlie. My uncle is renting Mill Cottage. Will you take these cakes to him, please?' Annie asked, giving Charlie a basket. 'He'll enjoy them with his tea.'
Charlie said goodbye and whistled as he walked through the wood. A voice called out and he turned around to see Sophia, the Fairy Queen coming towards him.
She lived in the Fairy Kingdom in the heart of Barns Wood. The kingdom, built by Charlie and his neighbours, provided a haven to a host of fairies, woodland gnomes and animals.
'Good afternoon, Charlie. What brings you out at this time of the day?' she asked.
Charlie told her he'd visited William and said he was on his way to see Cyril Rat.
'I've been waiting for Badger,' Sophia said. 'If you meet him, tell him I will see him tomorrow. It's getting late and I'm so cold; I'm going home.'
'All right, Sophia. Maybe he's had second thoughts and stayed indoors.'

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