Page 30 - Book 3 - (barcoded)
P. 30

The Wylder Valley
In the morning, Emma approached her teacher, Miss Ayres, who later emailed Mr Sturgess at the Rescue Centre to outline the school's interest.
Lily's class made and posted get well cards for the animal. The school children were delighted when they received a reply with photographs of the badger, now recovering in a pen. Staff at the centre, displayed the children's cards on his wall.
Kemps Heath Animal Quest, as the project became known, gathered momentum and spread throughout the school. The children decided to record sightings of woodland animals and report them to their teachers. Together, they would map the whereabouts of certain species throughout the coming year and send their findings to the Wildlife Trust.
A local newspaper published an article on the badger. Readers were keen to learn about the animal and metal traps.

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