Page 45 - Book 3 - (barcoded)
P. 45

The Wylder Valley 43
They arrived at the edge of the forest and Charlie chose a camp site under three weeping conifer trees. Alfie brought eight hand-crafted tent poles and Matty Hedgehog slotted them together. Harry climbed to the top, pulled up the tent cover and let it fall over the poles. Sam showed Jackson how to fit the guy ropes and secure the tent pegs. Afterwards, they unfolded a groundsheet to place inside.
'We can do this ourselves next time,' laughed Jackson Squirrel. 'Matty, do you fancy another weekend camping trip?'
The lads wanted to explore, so after a picnic, they went into the forest with Charlie, followed by Alfie and Sam.
'I'd want a map if I lived here. It's enormous, Mr Rabbit. Wow! Look how tall the trees are,' marvelled Jackson.
The lads were spellbound. As they all weaved their way through the forest and undergrowth Charlie beckoned to them to slow down and be on their guard. He could hear distant voices.
'This way,' he motioned. 'I remember this dell, and according to Willow, we can see the recreation area and car park from here.'
It was Charlie's first visit to the forest since he'd left. No matter how hard he tried, the terrible events of his remaining days in the forest haunted him.
When the loggers moved in to clear land for the recreation area and car park, the woodland animals had little

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